Chapter 2: Musically Painted Sailing Boats

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The sight before us was a lot more surprising than the floor underneath.

The hallways were...      Tiled. Many small blue and violet tiles ran along the walls, along with thicker white tiles on the floor. The notices and cork boards on the walls were still present, though. The majority of the doors on this floor seemed to be made out of varnished wood, rather then the ones on the first floor, which were more plastic-y.

"Damn..." I heard Candy's voice fade into the new floor.

"How are we gonna explore all of this...?"

"...Let's explore it how we like. We can look in groups, we can be alone, it can be however we like. But this time...      I suggest we focus on finding anything that might help us get out of here." The fox in the group announced.

"...Sure." Pedro gripped his arms, cocking his head.

"Good plan everyone? Ok, we'll all meet up in the hallway after...     Maybe an hour?"

Hm...        Explore however you like...

"...George? Do you want to explore with me?" I asked, turning my head to my brother.

"No thanks sis. I'd prefer exploring with Edmond or Richard..." The shorter pig scratched his neck.

...I never realised he was THAT short.

Even after all this time...   I never realised?

...Oof, Peppa. Oof.

"Oh. Ok...       Would you like to come along Suzy?"

"I'd love to..." The sheep smiled, gripping onto her faded white formal jacket.

"...Have fun." I noticed my brother simply smiling at me, before running to join Richard and Edmond.

George...      You little.

"Ok...     Where should we look first?"

"Maybe...    That door there?" I pointed, aiming at a door at the end of the hallway.

"...Sure!" The sheep suddenly dashed away from my side, leaping down to the door. The movement took me by surprise, nearly causing me to jump. By the time I had started on my way to the door, Suzy was already inside the room behind it. Not wanting to be left behind by her, I hopped through the doorway myself. 

I was met with various horizontal lines of easels and canvases. Wooden walls lined up on all sides, smooth gashes separating the individual planks. Many cabinets and other storage-based pieces of furniture sat at the furthest wall.

It looked like...      An art room.

"Hm...      Nothing here that seems...     Useful...       Onto the next room!"


Before I could reply properly, the sheep had already sprinted out, leaving the art room's door wide open. I was left with my natural instinct...         The instinct to follow her. 

And so, I followed her.

Running back into the hallway, I snapped my head in both directions, stopping it when I noticed another open door. It wasn't too far from the art room's door.

"...Suzy? Are you in there?"

Not hearing any response, I leapt up to the door, swinging myself through it. My momentum soon halted, landing me next to a fluffy figure.


"Sh..." The lamb quieted me, making me glance forward. What laid in front of me was...      Without a doubt stylised in a certain way.

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