Chapter 1: 4 Groups

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It turns out, the homeroom wasn't that far away from the kitchen.

When all 4 of us walked in, the remaining 12 were sitting at the biggest table there, finishing up breakfast and chatting with each other.

"Oh, hey! Look who's awake!" George waved to me cheekily, I rolled my eyes a bit.

"Oh quiet. Besides, it's usually Pedro who sleeps in. And he's here!" I mentioned to the pony in the bright yellow jumper.

"Well, I didn't really wake up early, it's just that this annoying announcement thingy sounded out..." Pedro shrugged.

"Oh? The morning announcement?" Rebecca looked, "I was up ages before that went off!"

"Wait..." I turned to the rabbit, "Rebecca, when did you get up?"


"...WHAT." Richard stared at her sister with a look of shock, Rebecca laughing it off.

"I'm used to getting up early, anyway..."

Now that I think about it, it seems like Rebecca was up way earlier then most of us...     She's having a different breakfast from everyone else. She's just eating carrots.

At least she's feeling better...

"...Well, may I say that this breakfast is honestly one of the best I've had?" Danny stood up a bit, "Who made this?"

"Emily did!" Suzy exclaimed, causing Emily to go a shade of soft pink.

"Woa...    Emily? You're a much better cook then I thought you'd be..."

"Well, I've always known my sister to be a great cook. So it doesn't come to me as a surprise." Edmond trumpeted, causing us all to chuckle a bit.

And with that, chatter started to sound out from all of us. We chuckled, laughed, discussed, you name it. It felt really nice, honestly, to conserve like this. It removed the memory of the fact we were trapped here for eternity.

Once it started to die down, Gerald cleared his throat. "Uhm, guys? Can I say something?"

"Sure, go ahead!" Kylie laughed.

"Well, I don't really want to kill the mood, but...     Yesterday, I noticed on the Handbook map that there were more rooms...    Not just the homeroom, courtyard, our dorms and a bunch of random classrooms..."

"...Hm." Freddy nodded to himself, before looking up. "Why don't we all...    Check them out?"

"That's a great idea!" Danny leaped up all of a sudden, "Nice thinking, Freds!"

"Uh-" Freddy looked away a bit, "I think that anyone would've made that decision..."

"Still, it's a good idea to check those rooms." Wendy nodded.

"...Wouldn't it be too crowded if everyone explored at once?"

"Not if we divide everyone into small groups..."

"Great idea again Freds! Who's going with who?"

"St- Stop calling me F-Freds-"

"No certainty of that happening, sorry~..."

...Is he flirting with him?

"Well, let's make these groups." George nodded, "I'm going with Peppa."

"But I wanted to go with Peppa...!" Suzy showed a face of disappointment.

"Well...    I can explore with both of you." I nodded happily, as Suzy scooted up to me.

I could notice other groups being formed, mainly between Delphine, Wendy and Gerald, as well as Rebecca and Richard.

In the end, our groups ended up like this:

Group 1:

Peppa, George, Suzy, Danny

Group 2:

Rebecca, Richard, Freddy, Pedro

Group 3:

Emily, Edmond, Zoë, Candy

Group 4:

Kylie, Delphine, Wendy, Gerald

"So then, are we ready?" Danny looked at everyone. We all gave a quick nod.

"Well then, let's go!"

And like that, we all started leaving the homeroom, into the hallway, to find these newer rooms.

"Where should we look first?" George asked me.

"Uh...    Well..." I thought, as I pulled out my Handbook, turning it on after a little difficulty and going to the "Map" option.

"Uh...     I say we check out the biggest room first." I told everyone, pointing to the biggest square on the map.

"Whatever you say, Peppa!" Danny chuckled, as we picked up our pace again.

Soon, we reached a large pair of wooden doors, with elegant carvings in them. Golden handles rested on both of them, with a vintage style being visible all over them. I looked back down at the Handbook map, seeing that this was the entrance to the biggest room on the map.

"Shall we?" Suzy asked. Danny nodded quicker then any of us could reply, charging through the doors before gasping at the sight. We also took a moment to take in the surprising room that lay in front of us...


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