Chapter 2: Missing The Markswoman

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With me, Kylie and the three youngest boys now leaving the pool through our designated changing rooms, (George with a towel, Richard didn't want him to be wet in the hallway,) we met up once again in the hallway connecting the changing rooms to the hallway.

"So then. To the remaining group." Kylie nodded, pushing the two doors apart once again as we headed through them, letting them swing back to their spot. To our right, conversation sounded out, informing us of the location of the meetup.

"You know Danny, you've been rather silent ever since Rebecca joined us while we were investigating..."


"I think it's something. But it's fine if you don't want to talk about it."

"Yeah, you don't have to spill every secret you have! I've got way too many secrets hidden within me, you know..."


"Oh shut up Pedro."

Taking a squint at the group, I noticed that the owner of the last sentence seemed to be Freddy. Alongside him was Danny and Rebecca, all having a slight laugh and chat. It appeared that everyone was split in groups of two or three, notably Emily and Candy, plus Zoë, Suzy and Pedro.

...Oh yeah. I kinda abandoned Suzy earlier. Sorry.

"Heya everyone! I've found the rest, they were in the pool...     Why don't we get to work on talking about what we've all found?" Kylie smiled, bouncing over to the opposing group.

"Yeah." Freddy nodded, "Ok. First of all...      Why is George's head covered with a towel?"

"Fell in the pool thanks to the kangaroo."

"...Oh. Secondly, what rooms have we found that might be important?"

"I found a shop!" Pedro exclaimed, "Suzy joined me and Zoë while we were checking it out!"

"Yeah...      Another thing we found was this gym. It's filled with all this stuff for flips and all that." Zoë nodded.

"That sounds nice..." Emily smiled.

"That's great, but I'm talking about rooms that might help us get busted out of here."

"...We did find a locked room." I spoke.

"Oh yeah." Danny perked up, "It was some kind of secretary's office. Deffo was locked...    Couldn't get in."

"That's the whole point of a locked room, isn't it?" Rebecca asked.


"...Thanks." Freddy smiled at me, before turning to Edmond, who stood by my side. "Did you find anything?"

"Somehow, I did. It was a small syringe on the floor of the chemistry classroom. I didn't like the look of it...   It was like it was holding a drug of some kind."


"Uhm...      Edmond?"

"Yes?" The young elephant looked at me with curiousity.

"I believe that I also found that syringe with your sister. I actually have the label from it..." I sighed, rummaging through my dress pocket, soon pulling out the piece of worn paper, and showing it to Edmond.

"...Despair...    No, Despar...   Icisus...    What in the..."

"Can I have a look?" Danny asked, walking over to us. He immediately took a couple steps back once he got a read of the name.


"I definitely haven't heard of that drug. Sounds modern..." Suzy sighed.

"..." Edmond simply stayed still, staring at the words on the small piece of paper. After a while, consciousness snapped back to him, as he pocketed the item.

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