Chapter 1: Remember You

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Breathing in the dusty air of the elegant library, I sighed happily. I swear, this really is one of my favourite rooms. Looking at Wendy with an excited eye, she smiled back.

"Shall we find a couple classics?"


The both of us leapt forward towards the back shelves, searching through the shelves for novels of every kind: Fantasy, science fiction, crime, historical, romance, the lot.

I mean, I was the Ultimate Storyteller. And the library is pretty much the perfect place for a storyteller to reside. Plus, there wasn't really anything else that interesting I could think of that I could do with Wendy. She is quite into...     Certain literature.

Soon, after a while, we met back up with each other, books in our paws/hoofs. Then we laid them out on the floor, reading through them together. The session of flipping through the pages and indulging our minds into the plotlines must've taken a few hours. It felt like half an hour to me though.

"Heh, Lord of the Flies?" Wendy laughed, as I closed the cover to Oliver Twist.

"Yeah! It's way more understandable than this thing." I picked up the book by Dickens, staring it in its nonexistent eyes.

"Understandable? Peppa, I can't get my head around some parts of it! A conch shell can make a noise when you blow into it...   Since when?"

"Well, if you don't want to read Lord of the Flies, then we might as well start on The Great Gatsby."

"Oh jeez...    Really?"

"Nah. It's your turn to choose now."

"...I don't know...    Maybe we could read through a couple of children's books? Just for a laugh?"

"..." I wheezed softly, bending over as I giggled. "Wh- I-I mean- Pfffft- W-We can-"

"OK YAY-" The wolf quickly ran over to the section in the corner containing the children's stories. I sighed, still wheezing heavily as I followed her.

Yep. Wendy has a thing for kids books. I mean, I don't mind them, I just don't read them every day.

"Here we go! A book on vegetables!" Wendy smiled as I reached her.


I felt an awkward feeling run through my body when she said 'vegetables'.

"Hehe, it's such a basic explanation of the foods! Carrots, beetroot, radishes..."

My eyelids flopped down a bit, pain running through my head and hitting from the inside of my thighs. I didn't really understand why it was happening...    I tried to push the question of cause out of my head as focus became a major battle.

"Ah! Potatos!"

The disturbance in my body tripled at that word, causing my feet to collapse underneath my body, making me flop backwards, a muffled crash vibrating through the whole room as my headache started to get insanely painful. Wendy jumped at my forced trip, throwing the book to one side and kneeling over my body.

"P-Peppa? What's happening!?"

"I-It...      Hurts..."

"H-Hold on, I can f-find Suzy...    Stay a-awake Peppa! Please stay awake!"

I couldn't lift my head as drowsiness overcame my body, as my eyes shut themselves despite Wendy's slightly frantic begging. While my body was shutting itself down, one word rang out through my head.



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