Chapter 3: Late-Brekkie Time Event!

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Phew... Now I feel way better. That shower did me wonders, woooo...

...Oh yeah, not to mention the food we're having. Damn, eggs taste...     So good for some reason.

Woa, is Peppa looking monotone today? Nothing new there!

...Yes, I'm bored. My mind has been feeling really burned out ever since the terror of passing on the knife, which explains my mood and my plans for the day. Which were practically doing nothing for most of the time besides wandering around the new floor and eat stuff from time to time.

Heck, maybe I could try some of that popcorn in the ticket booths of the theatre...

Not to say breakfast isn't good. Emily's still a great cook, even without Candy.

...But then again, I could always spend some time with my pals. Even though I had an...     Event with Edmond yesterday.

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm really clueless as to what to do today. I'm burned out, so I can't really get anything to happen.

...I suppose I'll let fate decide.

"Hey, George? I...     Can we spend the day together?"

Boom, there you go. Fate's already doing its job.

I glanced up to my right, noticing Richard in the classic deep blue hoodie laying his eyes on me. In his paws he gripped a dirty white plate, paired with a set of required cutlery.

"Uhh...   Yeah! Sure, anything for my best friend-"

"Hey, I thought I was your best friend." I felt a soft jab in my side. My eyes immediately curved round to make contact with my neighbouring friend, Edmond, who had a plastic face on.

"Well, you are. Just not as much as Richard and I." I replied honestly. To this, the elephant got a bit closer to me, looking me dead on.

"I do need you for a moment today, though. We need to see the computer again today, it's vital information that we need."

"...Oh. SHOOT!"

"What'd you mean shoot? Nobody's holding a gun here." I overheard Richard joke with my shock, which only got him a glare from Emily.

"Uhh...   You know what?" I stood up, egg white and yolk still impaled on fork. "Richard, Edmond, how about we spend the day together? That way, we can all do what we need to, only together!"

The two animals blankly stared between me and each other for a few moments, before answering.

"I don't mind."

"Not a bad idea, I like it!"

"Great!" I smiled.

"Oh, by the way...     You've got egg on your shirt."

"Awh, shoot."

"There's still. No. Gun here!"


And thus, we were on our way, happily heading on our ways to the first of our group activities - Exploring...     The pool.

To be honest, I was clueless as to why we were doing this. It was Richards idea, so we went ahead with it nonetheless.

But seriously: Who decides out of nowhere to just explore an already explored pool? Like, isn't it just plain ridiculous at that point?

Apparently, Richard does. His mind must be crazy, I tell you...

"So!" The younger rabbit smiled, raising his head. "How should we go about with the pool, considering I've brought you here?"

Raising my own head in return, I realised our location was indeed the pool, in all its infamy and wetness.

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