Intermission 2

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"...Hello? Mr. Pig?"

"Give me a moment please, Grampy. I'm a bit busy right now."

"You're always busy, Mr. Pig. It's about time you swapped up your routine a bit! Life isn't just writing all your feelings away in a small little diary, you know?"


"I know, Grampy. Let me just finish this entry. What do you want to do with me anyway?"

"Just chat! I've found a flask of tea earlier, so we can have talk over a hot drink! Well, it's actually not all that hot, but you get what I mean."

Sure do, Grampy. Sure do...

With the last words of my current entry being written down, I clicked the ballpoint pen shut, setting it down on the splintery table. Then I backtracked myself out the shadowy room, back into the main garage area. Rather empty in certain places, but also filled with large toolboxes and tires. The rancid smell of petroleum and...    I'm going to say frying oil hung in the air. The walls were just the same as the exterior - Flaky, white paint on metal. Grampy had set up a table of some kind, by stacking two grimy truck wheels on top of one another. Meanwhile, Mandy was sitting in her wheelchair in the corner, stuck in her thoughts as the crusty lighting above her flickered occasionally.

"Finally!" Grampy joked with me, as I sat down on one of the two makeshift chairs in front of the tire table.

"I know. Finally." I shook my head a bit. "Where's Mr. Rabbit?"

"He went out to find some supplies. That's an issue of hiding inside a garage. Not only is it insanitary, it's also pretty bad for finding food. It's ok if you need to defend yourself, though."

The older rabbit took his own seat in the other chair, before offering me a swig of the tea in the flask. I reluctantly took it, downing the lukewarm liquid as quickly as I could before returning the flask to Grampy. He seemed to take his time with his swig.

"...So." I muttered, "What did you want to talk about."

"Well..." The rabbit scratched his aged, fluffed-up ears a bit, before continuing. "Mainly what we're searching for. What are we trying to do?"

"Uh..." I put my finger to my chin. "...I actually haven't a clue. We probably would've stayed in the supermarket until some kind of help had come along."

"Then I guess that it's a good thing we were chased out of it."


"What's the honest point of staying in the same place all the time? Especially in such a dangerous situation such as now?"

"...To stay safe?"

"Safe from what? Trying to set things right?!"

"Ok, ok Grampy. Calm down."

"Sorry Mr. Pig. I'm just kind of annoyed."

"About what?"

"The comfort zone. Sure it keeps you safe, but it actually holds you back from being brave and doing something brilliant. It can hold you back from making friends, or from trying something new, or in this case: From setting the world back to its original ways. The ways that don't involve despair-inducing nightmares. And all it's trying to do is 'protect you'. Silly little piece of the mind, honestly."


"That's why it's important to try new things all the time!" The older rabbit gave a small smile at me. I could stop myself from smiling back a bit.

Those smiles soon flooded away from our faces, though.

"Uhm...    Guys? Guys!"

"What is it, Mandy?"

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