Chapter 3: Thou Art Not Restful

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Well damn. That exploration took a long time.

And it's not even over yet.

There's just a few more rooms near the staircase to explore, and that's gonna be it. So... What have we found?

Well, obviously there's the film room we found. After we went through one of the doors on the other side, our expedition had been lead to a huge room. It looked like a theatre of some kind... Which doesn't make sense when you consider the film room. Surely you need a cinema to film movies?

What's more, who decides to set up an entire theatre, only to pair it with equipment for broadcasting movies?

Anyway, that's a problem for later.

Moving onward from the theatre, we discovered that it had a conjoined ticket booth room, which lead back to the hallway. Further complicating the mystery. From there, we entered back into the hallway, where we found almost everyone else investigating. Seeing as they were the only ones left, we decided "Eh, they're our friends too" and wandered up to them, asking them of their explorations.

Peppa and a few other girls had gone exploring across the hall, where they found an aquarium. They claimed it was a wicked place, even of it having fishbowls on pillars welcoming you into it.

That bit sounded a bit figurative... But hey. That's Peppa for you.

We then got this idea to split up into different groups to keep investigating. Not that big, just 4 people per group. Well, technically two of them had 3 people. Freddy had hidden himself inside a detective office room next to the ticket booths.

Can't blame him, to be honest.

So, we went on, now with Peppa alongside us. Our first option was, ironically, to return to the film room. Richard had pleaded me to return there so we could check out the second door. My curiosity managed to win me over eventually, despite Peppa's undeniable smirks.

So, we swiftly returned to the film room through the theatre, and took a harsh right through the second (actually third) door in the room.

We were taken by extreme shock when we saw the room behind it.

A highly positioned slope with weird white fake grass stuff on it. Various benches and storage rooms for certain helmets and sticks. A miniature chairlift.


...There was an entire ski slope in there.

An entire slope to practise going down actual mountain slopes with long, nightmare-to-get-on skis...

Was on the THIRD FLOOR OF THIS BUILDING??? How is there even room for one of these???

...'Scuse me. Anyways, uh...

So, we were all in utter shock like I was earlier. There was no way we couldn't pass off something so...    Bizarrely located as something normal. And thus, we investigated the place like 9 times in a ROW.

Apparently, underneath the slope there was a special room filled with not only ski stuff, but a ton of other sports equipment - Balls (hehe), rackets, boots, outfits, clubs, gloves, excetra excetra...

And as for everything else, it was no more than a basically complex, fully functional ski slope. The chairlift still worked, most of the skis in the sports backroom weren't broken, and the AstroTurf stuff on the slope was relatively clean.

Not like I'm a critic or something.

Then again, we are looking for a way to get out of here...

Moving on, that was pretty much everything covering the ski slope, so we headed back out into the hallway. Taking common sense into account, we decided to explore the room opposite us at that moment.

And I swear to god...      that room was more amazing than the ski slope.

The place was filled - And I mean FILLED - With old archeological beauties: Reconstructed skeletons of small dinosaurs, snippets and sketches of ancient plants, fossilised fractals of prehistoric insects within solidified tree sap...

...It was candyland for a paleontologist.

Obviously, Peppa and Richard picked up on this, and thus had to bear through my immense joy from the discovery of such an archeological archive. That took quite a while, considering I would keep spilling random facts about the ancient creatures that roamed these lands to them. 

Eventually, I did have to ground myself. That didn't mean I left, though.

That meant I simply resorted to standing in the presence of this amazing room. During that, I'm sure that I heard Peppa shout something random about leaving - Something about going to see Kylie, or something.

...Weird. Why not Suzy?


There has to be something going on between them. First of all, Suzy abandons her own pool party, which Peppa attended. Then, she hides herself from Peppa during Monopotato's unlocking of the third floor. And finally...    Peppa is seemingly worried about seeing her?

...That's definitely...     Odd.

Getting back to present tense, after Peppa left, I'm certain that Richard left after her - He's done that to me before during certain playdates when he has to leave: Sneakily slipping away when I'm caught in my own thoughts. 

And thus, that brings us to now. Me, standing by myself, embracing the room I'm standing in. Y'know, as a kind of respect.

And yet...        My mind managed to wonder.

It pondered around random thoughts, flashing them past my eyes every now and then. As one would (most likely) do during a time of silence.

However, soon enough, my mind soon took the trail back down a dark path.

The path of...     Having a 'possible' crush.

...No matter how many times I've tried to flush these thoughts out of my head, it's still an age-old favourite for my idle brain to sink into.

That cream fur...     Paired with slick movements from his legs and arms...

Of course, it's not just appearance. It's also his behaviour...     It captivates me in a way my own wouldn't.

And it makes me want to be there to strengthen it.

It makes me want to be a somebody there for him, to be there to help during his darkest times, and to laugh with him during his happiest minutes.

It makes me want to be alongside him.

It makes me...     Want to be more than just a friend...



DAMMIT! Not again, George...!

Agh, god- I need to flush these thoughts out. There's no way he likes me back, there's no way whatsoever...

Clutching onto my head with shame in all of my movements, I levered my feet towards making it out of the archeologic museum, soon turning left twice and bouncing my body down the stairs, rattling my flustered brain simultaneously.


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