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Pedro: So, there were two weapons at the scene of the crime. A completely blood coated scalpel, and a ladder with a bloodstain.

Freddy: Not to mention the book.

Pedro: Book?

Freddy: Jeez, did you not notice? The book on the floor. It's bottom pages were bloody.

Pedro: Oh. Sorry...?

Candy: So now we're figuring out which one of the three was the killing weapon?

Freddy: Indeed, kitten.

Emily: Uh... Can you not call her that?

) Nonstop debate (

- Injuries
- Bloodied Scalpel
- Book

George: So then, which of the three weapons was the one that killed Delphine?

Pedro: Maybe the scalpel? The culprit could've slashed her head open!

Candy: Nah. The file proves that theory completely wrong.

Pedro: Oh...

Zoë: That leaves us with the ladder and book.

Kylie: Wait... I know! The book might not be the weapon!

Emily: How are you so sure...?

Kylie: Because the ladder would've dealt a lot of damage! The book probs just fell out...

Peppa: No, that's wrong!


Peppa: I understand your thinking Kylie, but there's something about Delphine's body that doesn't line up.

Kylie: Huh?

Freddy: Yep, her head wound. The ladder may have had blood on it's side, but it didn't have any on the top rung.

Rebecca: So that means... The ladder didn't cause that wound?

Peppa: Yeah... And since the scalpel's out of the question, it must've been made by the book.

Danny: You're sailing in the wrong sea!


Peppa: Huh?

Danny: Ok ok ok, I understand that the scalpel can't be the weapon whatsoever. It makes no sense. But why not the ladder?

Danny: Taking into account Kylie's earlier statement, I think that it's actually your statement that's not lining up!

#/ Rebuttal showdown /#

- Book
- Third Discoverer
- Rebecca's Alibi

Danny: The ladder could've been the killing weapon!

Danny: Kylie's statement from before isn't incorrect, the ladder would've done a lot of damage.

Danny: And because of the blood wound on Delphine's leg, the ladder must've killed her! Not the book.

Danny: Like Kylie said: The book must've fallen out somehow.


Peppa: If the ladder did kill Delphine...

Peppa: Then the top rungs should've had blood on them!

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