Chapter 2: All Washed Up - Deadly Life Start!

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...Why did it have to be him?

He...     He never did anything wrong...    To anyone...

...He only wanted to protect.

Even though he was a pirate...      He was one who had a heart of gold.

With all the acts he's done...    From protecting Freddy, to helping to investigate by knocking on the walls...

...How could someone think that he could be the traitor?

The air laid stiffly in the room, as multiple grieving sputters squeaked from the crowd behind me. My entire body had gone motionless, emotionally malfunctioning at the simple order to move.

...Good reason as to fucking why.

At long last, I was able to turn my head to view the rest of the group. However, my eyes were laid upon someone else, resting on their knees next to me, staring at the body with tears screaming out their eyes.



"..." Something rose in me to say something to the fox, however I battered it back down my throat before I could utter anything.

"...T-This isn't real, r-right? I-I'm d-dreaming, this i-is a-another o-one of th-those nightmares, r-right?!"

"Freddy...    I-"

"O-Of course i-it's not," The orange-furred animal suddenly went on again, "Th-This always h-has to h-happen, d-doesn't it?! I ALWAYS H-HAVE TO- T-TO F-FUCKING LOSE THE P-PEOPLE IN TH-THIS WORLD TH-THAT ARE TRYING T-TO HELP M-ME TO S-SOME GODDARN I-IDIOTIC MINDLESS F-FREAKS!!!"

"H-Hold on a minute Freddy! Y-You need to-"


Freddy yanked his sagged body off the floor and flung it towards Rebecca, pinning her to the closet door. It was like a depressive, aggressive mindset was puppeteering his actions.

...It was...       Full of despair.


"...I-I...      S-Sorry Freddy, I jus-"

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