Chapter 2: Totalitarialcoholic

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(Back to Peppa's PoV from now on X3)


...What should I do now?

A little while after all the laughing had died down between me, George and the rabbits, Rebecca said that she had to go somewhere. I knew deep down that it was to see Danny and Freddy, but Richard seemed to take it rather harshly, almost as if she had insulted him. Then he decided to hang out a bit more with George, while I went my own way.

Now, I was wondering in the halls of the first floor. Why the first floor specifically I'm not sure. I wasn't even heading to a certain room, just pondering around the halls.

It's probably the lack of fresh air getting to me.

...Yeah. I need to breathe.

Well, now I have an actual destination to reach. To the courtyard I go.

With a slick twist of the foot, I turned round and started on towards the homeroom once more, barging through the doors in minimal time.

The homeroom was the same as it was before, only now there weren't a bunch of dirty plates and cutlery laying on the central, circular table.

It was...     Rather silent. The only times where we ever used the homeroom was for the breakfast meeting, and that was it. So it made sense that it was quiet.

...It didn't make sense as to why there was a book on the main table.

Especially a thick, hardback book.


Taking a glance around, it was pretty difficult to find a shelf that stored books. Most of the shelves in the homeroom had been purposed to hold art supplies, toys, costumes, and even certain cosmetics. Yet there was not one book housed in any of the shelves.

So that means...

...The book on the table came from the library.

With the curiosity of the book killing the cat that wanted fresh air inside me, I trotted to the round, waxy table and grabbed the book, skimming over its title.

'1984, Animal Farm, Down And Ou-'

I didn't even need to read half of the title to figure out what book it was, or who had been reading it last.


Edmond must've left it here...       For some reason.

Maybe he brought it with him to breakfast? He might've forgotten to take it by accident. I didn't hear his voice during the pancake devouring session that had taken place earlier today.

Oh well. If I find him, then I can give it back to him.

I kept a tight hold of the book in both hands, as I restarted on the short trip to the courtyard. After around 16 seconds, I had swayed the white, plastic door open, letting the mild air run freely over my body. Taking a few smooth breaths, I stepped further into the yard, letting the door close itself behind me.

Man...                 I really needed to breathe outside. Even if it's a bit warmer than usual.

"Oh hey Peppa."


I swear I leapt 20 feet when hearing that. Dropping the book while doing so.

After grounding my senses, I snapped my head round to the left, noticing...   Oh, the irony...      Edmond casually staring me in the eye. Emily and Suzy were behind him, leaning against the one wall of the courtyard, gossiping without visible end.

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