- Chapter 16, Sundrop's Walk -

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- Sundrop's perspective -

A walk will help to clear these thoughts away..  I thought as I stepped outside of the daycare doors. I began walking after taking a quick look at the giant statue located in the lobby of the pizzaplex. Stepping into one of the elevators, I encountered MapBot.. "..Hi MapBot.." I said, waving as he started trying to hand me a map. Gladly, though.. not happily, I accepted the map and he wheeled away out of the elevator before the doors closed. I quietly stood there as I waited for the elevator to reach it's destination. Huh, the radios must be broken.. there's no music playing..  I thought, noticing the lack of music playing in the elevator. Once the elevator came to a halt and opened its doors, I stepped out into the atrium and began to look around. It seems I don't get out much, this room looks strange.. interesting..  then, I began walking over to the main stage as I saw Roxanne was there.

Upon arriving at the main stage, Roxanne looked at me as she stood on the giant stage, she had been cleaning her instrument used in shows. "Oh, it's just you.." she said, continuing to clean her instrument as I began to speak "..Hi Roxy, you doing okay lately?..." Roxanne immediately noticed that something was wrong as I wasn't as happy and lively as I usually act. She stood up swiftly, placing down her instrument and she looked me in my eyes. Then she placed a hand-.. well, paw.. upon my shoulder and spoke "..Sunny, what's wrong?.. you seem a bit down..." I looked away at the floor and she sat down, sitting me down with her. "...It's all my fault.." I muttered, she looked at me and tilted her head "Did you say something?.. sorry, didn't quite catch that.."

"It's all my fault!.. I-... Roxy.." I yelled, though I didn't know why I was yelling at her. "Calm down Sundrop!.. it's okay, it's all okay.." she said, carefully patting my shoulder as if I was some kind of kid. "..S-sorry Roxy, it's just that-.. it's all my fault..." Roxanne tilted her head again, looking at me a bit confused. "..What's your fault?.. what did you do?.." she asked me, I looked up at her into her fierce, golden eyes. I then began to speak my reply "..You remember that incident that happened a few days ago... right?.." she nodded as I then continued "I-.. I blamed it all on Moondrop! I-I said it was all his fault! a-and I said that they never should've created him.. a-and... n-now he's gone...." Roxanne gasped, covering her mouth as if she'd just swallowed a fly "W-WHAT!?" she yelled, I shuffled away from her a little "R-roxanne, I-"  then she interrupted me "YOU W-WHAT!?! ..where is he..." I looked at her, a little confused. "DON'T JUST SIT THERE, TELL ME!!" then, I pointed at my head and said "H-he's in here.. but, you need to turn the lights o-off if you want to talk to him..." Roxanne growled and then she picked me up, her tight grip was pulling my shoulder. She dragged me to the elevator and then, to the daycare we went. "W-what are you doing?.. p-please.. let go.." I pleaded, but it was too late. She tossed me into the daycare through the double doors and nearly smashed the light switch as she turned the lights off.

"R-roxy.." I called out, but my vision only faded to blackness..

- Chapter 16 End -

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