- Chapter 56, The Star's Full Return -

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-  MoonStar's perspective -

It was dark, everything was dark.. for a long time I couldn't see anything yet I could hear. I could hear them, voices I knew the faces to and voices I had heard before though my eyes just wouldn't open. They refused, it was almost as if they weren't there. I don't quite remember how I ended up like this, but I can't seem to feel my arms.. or my legs, or anything else apart from my head for that matter. Is it that I was bodiless? something must've happened, something bad that I knew not of. Whatever this was, whatever this strange darkness I felt it was.. familiar in a way. In one way I understood what I felt and what it was, on the other hand I didn't know where from or why. What is this? what am I?.. questions I cannot answer seem to circle my thoughts incessantly, a constant swirling storm reminding me of the lack of light. The lack of a purpose, something to do.. everything felt lost yet I knew it wasn't, but then I can't be certain of anything right now.. can I? it's almost impossible to know what's happening around me though whatever it is, I feel like it's happened before.

Until finally, I opened my eyes...

I saw light, the room was quite grey and odd though I've seen this room before. This room.. it's the room me and, what was his name again?.... I can't.. I- can't remember this.. why?  I continued to look around at the dimly-lit room trying to figure it out. Who was this mysterious person I seemed to remember? were they even a person? how did I know them?.. questions. Still the questions remain, circling like plastic horses and carriages on carousels. This rollercoaster of feeling, of thought.. eventually I saw a person outside of a window. She had blonde hair, I knew this person too but- what was her name again?  I didn't know her name. "..Oh, you're awake.. you're probably wondering what's going on, right?" she said, staring at my eyes. I nodded reluctantly not knowing what would happen next, I trusted her but why? "Well, do you remember anything from the past 5-10 years?" she continued to talk to me. "I-... I can remember faces.. but, who they are? no.." I spoke, for the first time since opening my eyes again I had spoken. Quiet, yet they were still words. I felt quite surprised that I could speak, it was as if I had never spoken a word before. As if I was new to the world.

"..Here, take a look at this.." the strange lady said, handing me a folder covered with glitter glue writing. I opened it, then finally I knew it. I could remember...

- Chapter 56 End -

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