- Chapter 52, The Situation As It Is -

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- Sundrop's perspective -

"This is what I called you guys here for! come on, come in!.. we can all sit down and have a chat.." I gestured for them to enter and so they did, closing the shutter behind us we continued onwards.


Monty and Roxanne took themselves over to the security desk located beside the massive wooden doors and I dragged one of the chairs to face them. MoonStar's head stayed on my lap facing them as we sat there not really knowing how this conversation would go. Roxanne was the first one to make a move, to speak "So.. what's going to happen with the daycare now that we know Midnight's still alive? they're still making that new princess animatronic.." I shivered at the thought of the princess. I still couldn't grasp the concept that they were planning on replacing MoonStar, why would they? he's good at his job! he just.. well I guess he's just a bit too creepy to them. "Management doesn't know yet, this is only just a recent thing I've discovered.." I looked down at the head while saying this, carefully patting it as if it were a cute little puppy. "Oh.. well, we should tell them or atleast.. we should get Vanessa to tell them about it yet I doubt they'll change their plans.. sorry Sunlight.." Roxanne said, her eyes filling with sadness as miserable thoughts were summoned and evoked from the depths of her processor.

"S-sad... fr-friend.." MoonStar's head began to speak, Roxanne looked slightly down at it and listened closely "..Don't.. c-cry, hu-hug.. I-" then the voice cut out for a moment. I tilted my head as did Monty and then I picked up the head turning it to face me. I watched as the detached head's processor slowly deactivated for a moment, then it reactivated. Setting the head down, I let it resume the sentence while I thought about why it blacked out "I-.. w-will I... h-hug.. Ro-Roxy.." it pulled itself into a smile while Roxanne came over to me. Roxanne proceeded to pick up the head and give it a hug, although the face lacked in eyes it still knew when it's friends were sad. Probably just by the sound, MoonStar was always programmed to tell what someone's feeling by the sound of their voice.

Roxanne carefully sat the head back down into my lap before going back to the security desk to sit down on it. After that we all shared a conversation, even at times the head tried to join in and we waited each time. We would wait for it to stop speaking and hug it if it wanted a hug, eventually we decided on a conclusion. I was to go to find Officer Vanessa to tell her about the head, I would then wait for her to notify management. After that there wasn't really much of a plan, just to wait to see what management decided of the situation as it is.

- Chapter 52 End -

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