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Min sat down on the bed in the bedroom, exhausted from everything that had happened. Even so, he was reluctant to cry because he detested crying himself to the point of feeling so helpless and exposed.

Especially if it's because of them. But this time, he couldn't seem to stop the sudden rush of emotions. His breathing was ragged.

He heard a voice next to him say, "Go ahead and cry, it is okay." The side of the bed dipped. His here. "I'm not crying." he said in defense.

"You sound like you're crying."

"I Am. Not. Crying"

Sniffling, he tried to gather himself up so the Etherals would not see him this way. He got up to walk just far enough to the balcony to take a quick look at what was outside.

The moon has risen in the sky, and a few brilliant stars have strayed to fill in the midnight sky. With his hands in his pockets, he turned to face him. He leans against the glass window.

He said hesitantly, "My necklace. It sparks light when I am with her. Why?"

The High Etherals asked, raising an eyebrow, "Why? You asking me why?"

"Do you think I will call for you if I know?" He scowled at him.

The Etherals sat on one of the swivel chairs in front of him and said, "Tell me, Min, who is the most precious person to you." Min couldn't help but stare angrily at him.

"Who?" The Etherals ask again.

"Don't make fun of me, they're all dead," Min said, gritting his teeth.

"I am not talking about the past. I mean this time, Min." His burrows furrowed from his words.

He murmurs to himself, "It cannot be her, I just met her."

"Are you sure?" the Etherals whispered back. He realized he was behind him and stepped back slightly. He was surprised, but he chose to remain calm. "Yes"

"If you say so, we'll find out soon," he said with a sly smile.

Min's voice became louder than he expected, asking, "Do you think I'm a fool?" He didn't realize he wasn't at home. He was at Minji's house. "Of course I am not, but maybe here we go again."

Min felt the urge to hit him because he looked too proud of himself.

The Etherals heard him think, then tapped his shoulder, making Yoongi even more enraged. "Uh-uh, you cannot hurt me, that is useless, you are so hot-headed today,"

He lifted his shoulder with a shrug. Not wanting to be touched by his hands.

He spat, "Tell me, is she the light I need to lift the curse?"

"What will happen if I say no? What will you do if I say yes?"

"Don't throw a question at me when I'm the one who ask you first."

"She is the one who is meant to do that. It is up to you if you want to agree with it."

"What do you mean?"

"Her mother. You know, she said she didn't even know what her mother looked like."

"Her mother passed away while bringing her into the world."

"No, she isn't. They have been watching her together the whole time."

His tone became sharper and more confused. "What?"

The Etheral Cursed | MYG 🔞 ✅ (Completed) also (Ongoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now