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Years later...

Today is a great day, a wonderful one to be precise, everyone will be here.

"Where is he? Is he still not done?"

"He's upstairs with Jin hyung" Kook said who is busy arranging the flowers on the top of the tables.

"How about Tae and Joon? Are they on the way?" I asked he nods and called for Eun. "What is this?"

He showed me the screen, it's Joon and Tae in the car driving. "Where is the little boy?"

I chuckled "He's upstairs with your man, I don't know how long will they keep on stalling me, I don't know what preparation Jin is doing to my son! Seriously he said he will just style his hair and help him in picking his outfit but they're taking too long you see, I just hope Jin didn't style his hair in a funny way just like yours"

"Hey, that's a foul it was a great style!"

"Great my, tsk"

"Besides it will be different considering you let him grow his hair long"

"It's just above his shoulder and he likes it saying he wants to have a long hair like his Dad, so I allowed him, and its true  it reminds me of his Dad"

"He really does look like him"

"I know and here they are gotta go, hurry up the party will start now, see you!"

He really does look dazzling he takes after his dad and also me.

"Aww, my baby is not a baby anymore? Mom is kind of sad"

"Mom, I can still be your baby you know"

"But for how long? Oh no, why do you need to grow up so fast hmm?"

"Mom, I just turned seven, I am still your baby, don't worry, I love you!"

I was pulled in a tight hug by him. "Oh I love you too my dear Hansu"

"How about your best uncle Hansu!?"

I turned my head and saw Tae and Joon had arrived. "Of course I love you too Uncle Joonie!"

"And what about me do I not look cool?" Tae ask using his child sad voice.

"Uncle TaeTae is the coolest second to my Dad!"

With that statement the boys all hurled up on Hansu asking him why he is the second coolest and not them and ask him to rank them up.

As I glance at their bickering I smiled.

"There's someone at the door Unnie, can you please check it I need to get these cookies done" Yoonji asks me, I signaled okay.

"No problem, I got it Yoonji" I added.

"I'm sorry it took me so-

I opened the door and no one else is around aside from a two parcel box. I glance at my surroundings before picking it up.

But I didn't order anything? Maybe they mistook my house for the right owner.

I check for the information where I can send the box parcel back, but then I saw my name on the recipients name I then look for the sender's name but only saw a letter MN letter written.

It's for me and the other one is for "the little one"?.

I decided to opened the box with my name on it out of curiosity.

I almost drop the box, it can't be.

I run outside so fast and look for the man who send the box parcels. Hoping my hunch is right and I am not too late.

I saw a man in black cap and in dark blue coat walking to his car. I approach him fast and grab him behind.

"I'm sorry but let me just-

My eyes widened.

It's not the end.

The words keep ringing in my ears. I thought it's impossible. But here he is.

It's him.

Min Yoongi...

"May I help you?"

His voice. It's really him. But why does he seem-

"Y-Yoongi, is this from you?"

"I'm sorry I don't remember meeting you but from the looks of it we probably met somewhere, yes, my name is Yoongi and this is from me and-"

He doesn't seem to recognize me. But I recognize him. It's him, the man I love, Hansu's Dad. But why?

"Oh, that parcel? One of my Dad's employees is your acquaintance my Dad told me to bring the gift for you and your- wait why are you crying you didn't like it- wait let me change and get you and a new one you can decide and pick-"

I hug him and he was off guard by it. "No, it's fine, I like it, t-thank you"

I hug him tight. I don't know what's the reason why he doesn't remember me. But I am sure it is him and I will make sure he will know about it.

I glance at the faint scar in his eyes and unconsciously caresses it a bit. It's the scar I surely know of. That is not a coincidence, it can't be, because it is in the same place it used to be.

I smiled.

Even if he doesn't remember me. I will make sure he will. Cause I remember and know it's him.

"What's wrong? I'm sorry but I got to go I need to attend a launch party but I can give you my number so you can contact me if anything happens or you change your mind about the gifts"

I glance at his card with his name engraved on it. Min Yoongi.

The same name...

As his car drives away from me. I can't help but to shed tears.

He's back. I knew he will. After all those years I never lose hope. I will make him remember me, I will let him know.


"Sequel, SOON"

-drkglss 🖤

Thanks for reading, I luv y'all.

The Etheral Cursed | MYG 🔞 ✅ (Completed) also (Ongoing Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora