Episode Three

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Amanda's dark gaze peered across the polished dining room table from beneath her lowered brows. Arms encased in sunflower yellow silk were folded across her chest. Her brown hair, usually shiny and bouncy, seemed dull today. She was scowling at him, her lips pouting and her eyes narrowed. Her flashing eyes practically screamed "we need to talk."

Daniel's good mood scattered. And to think, it'd been the first day at Miyagi-Do where Johnny had been mostly cooperative. They'd managed to get through important lessons and the children were excited for their trip - a brilliant plan that Daniel had thought up on the spot.

He'd remembered the journey in the forest with Chozen, beneath the gentle boughs, the noise of the world fading. Maybe, maybe a similar trip would do the same for some of the students who now shared a dojo with those they'd once called enemy.

But Amanda wasn't happy.

"What is it, hon?" Daniel asked, trying to bar frustration from his voice.

"It's happening again. Don't tell me you don't see it." Amanda squeezed her arms tighter across her chest, her gaze shining with expectancy.

"What's happening again?" He hoped he sounded patient, anything but annoyed that his own happiness couldn't be shared with Amanda.

"Miyagi-Do. You're there all the time, while I'm running the business and taking care of our son and this house. This business is our thing. We built it. Together. It was our dream. You're neglecting it." You're neglecting me. The implied words hung uncomfortably in the still air. It was too hot in here. Wasn't the AC on?

"Even when you're with me, you're not with me. You're preoccupied with training and the tournament," Amanda continued. "I get it. I do. I want to see Kreese brought down as much as you do. But our business, our business keeps us, keeps us comfortable. Happy. Successful."

Was she implying Miyagi-Do wasn't successful?

"Listen, as soon as we win the tournament, it's over. Kreese'll be gone. We can go back to normal. I promise."

Amanda sighed and closed her eyes before replying. She looked exhausted: bags showing beneath her eyes, lips pursed in a strained line. "Sam said you're going on a hike for a weekend. A hike to the mountains. There's the possibility of snow up there this weekend. Who is going to run LaRusso Auto Sales? It's me, as usual, and you didn't even consult me on this. You assumed that I'd be here to make sure our family business doesn't fail while you try to relive your glory days from over thirty years ago. We tried this whole 'me running everything' bit before, remember? We lost customers, deals fell through, all because you were breaking promises about not letting Miyagi-Do consume your life. This is one of our busiest weekends of the year. We have to compete with Happy Honda Days, a tournament we usually fought together!" She rubbed her eyes and took a breath. "I know how important this is to you. I've done my best to be patient. But you can't keep throwing everything else important in your life on the back burner. Your kids. Your career. Me. You say things will be back to normal after the tournament. But there will always be another tournament, won't there, Daniel?"

He didn't know what to say. He wanted to reassure her, tell her she was wrong. But was she? They had been here before. They had just had this exact same issue only a matter of months ago. Daniel had made the same promises, the same reassurances, that he would do better as a father and a husband. But while Sam was getting plenty of attention, Amanda and the son who he rarely ever saw (How many days had it been since he'd seen him?) were being left behind, in the shadows. Was he being selfish? Or was Amanda just overworked and making this a bigger deal than it was?

* * * * *

Johnny prowled through the plaza of high-end, outdoor shops. Colorful lights and fake evergreen turned it into a festive wonderland, piled with shoppers using gift cards and making returns. He was armed with his best faded jean jacket and a stack of Miyagi-Do fliers. He hated that he didn't have Eagle Fang flyers instead, but the kids had insisted that these were more "presentable" and Daniel had, of course, agreed. Johnny wanted to argue but the truth was he had spent the last of his extra money on the T-shirts the kids hated so he couldn't even afford new flyers right now.

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