Episode Fifty-Four

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Daniel leaned back on the pillows and closed his eyes. He was more tired than he let on, but he'd so wanted these moments with Johnny. Here he was, his life more than half over. He didn't want to wait any longer. And now he had to. He couldn't easily hold Johnny's hand, let alone explore Johnny's body like he wanted to. Worse, he looked a mess. He needed these damned teeth fixed as soon as he could make it to a dentist or oral surgeon or whatever it took.

He unlocked his phone and set about typing an email to his dentist's office. He already had a surgery scheduled for his nose.

No, his teeth weren't the worst of it. The worst was Kreese wanting Johnny back. Sam had told Daniel the anguish Johnny had been in; Daniel feared Johnny might go running back to Kreese to keep others safe. As if it would. He remembered what he'd told Kreese about doing Johnny thrice daily. Kreese wouldn't be kind if he got his hands on Johnny. The thought of Johnny having another head injury...

Kreese will find some way to get in touch with Johnny even if I don't tell him. But would Johnny leave me like this? I don't think he would.

Daniel hated Johnny seeing him like this, helpless and battered. But his other choice would've been to wait weeks to be with Johnny again. That was unthinkable. It was going to be hard enough holding off, until his body was capable of doing what his heart wanted to do.

Voices on the other side of the door drifted to him. One of those voices was Sophie's. The students really couldn't wait to come visit.

A knock sounded on his door. Daniel supposed he couldn't hide from his students forever. They were worried, and the last time they had seen him, they hadn't known if he was going to make it. If they wanted to visit it was fine. He would just have to make sure he smiled without his teeth.

The door swung open, revealing Robby Keene.

Daniel jolted up in bed, his ribs screaming in protest. "Robby!"

Johnny stepped behind his son, a cup of steaming tea in hand. "Um, surprise," Johnny said. He rubbed his hair, his eyes elsewhere. "I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?" What the hell was going on here?" Robby was staring at him, his eyes wide with concern.

"Mr. LaRusso, I came to apologize. I didn't know they were going to do this to you. Honestly, I had no idea. When Kreese told me, I left. I'm done with them, done with Cobra Kai."

The teen inched forward into the room, as if afraid Daniel would throw him out if he came too close. "I know I have no excuse for the things I did. Attacking at the amusement park, and Miguel... I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I want to do better."

His words reminded him of what Johnny had just told him. "I want to do better, be better." Had Robby truly changed? Could Kreese have sent him; another trick to fool the gullible Daniel? He wanted to believe Robby. And after seeing Johnny's face, how he gazed at his son affectionately, he wanted to establish trust with the boy with every fiber of his being. But could he?

"I, um, I appreciate you coming here, Robby. But, you'll have to excuse me if I'm not exactly ready to jump up and shake your hand."

His face fell but the boy nodded. "I get it. I've messed up a lot. I have to prove myself. But, I'm willing to do that. I want to apologize to Sam, too, when I see her. I wasn't fair to her or Miguel. I, I can't take back the things I did." He ducked his head and Johnny placed a hand on his shoulder. "But I'm hoping that if I can learn to forgive my dad, then maybe you can learn to forgive me." With that, he gave Daniel a nod, turned quickly, and left.

Sophie entered then, her tall form practically shoving Johnny out of the way. As she asked after him, and Daniel assured her that he was doing fine, his mind wandered.

Daniel had so many questions. When had Robby left Kreese, if that was even true? If not, Johnny might be in even more danger than ever. But Daniel couldn't say too much, not unless he wanted it to look like he was trying to drive a wedge between Johnny and his son. Or treating Robby just as distrustfully as Daniel had treated Johnny. But if something happened to Johnny... Daniel took a deep breath and summoned a smile for Sophie.

"I know how much you enjoy healthy eating, so I brought lots of fresh vegetables. Figured Sensei Johnny could make you sandwiches or something. I tried to keep it simple for him." She gave Daniel a wink and Johnny shook his head.

"Oh, ha, ha. Let's all laugh at Johnny and his lack of cooking skills," Johnny said.

Sophie rolled her eyes and continued. "I also brought my old PS3 and some games so you won't get bored. I literally have two boxes of games to choose from, some single player, some for two or more. So, you know, if you ever want company, just text me. Sensei said classes were canceled this week but I can always come by after school..." She gazed at him hopefully.

Sophie wasn't the most outspoken of their students, but she had a quiet respect for them and karate. Perhaps playing games with her after school was a way Daniel could get to know her better. "How about tomorrow? Four o'clock?"

Sophie beamed at him and nodded, her tight curls bobbing. "Sounds good!"

After she left, Johnny sat beside him on the bed and offered the tea. "So, her dad was black, right?"

Daniel closed his eyes and sighed. Captain Obvious over here. "Yes, Johnny."

"Look, I'm just asking. Trying to be more wake or whatever."

"It's woke, and you really need to learn these phrases before you start using them, especially in public."

Johnny smirked at him. "Why? Am I embarrassing you?"

"If I were worried about that, I wouldn't have spent so much time with you," Daniel said, returning his grin. "But, the world is different, better in a lot of ways." If it weren't different, he and Johnny might be ostracized or worse by those around them.

Johnny now not only probably felt out of place in the world, but out of place in his own skin. Daniel wanted to hold him, be close like they were the day Johnny'd been injured. "This bed's not as big as the one back home, but it's big enough for you to lie down with me."

"Lie down...next to you?" Johnny stared at the empty part of the bed.

"You don't need to keep sleeping on the couch," Daniel said. "Or are you worried about those dreams you mentioned?" He couldn't help but grin as Johnny's cheeks turned a bright rose.

Johnny's brow furrowed before he climbed onto the other side of the bed, lying on the edge. If Daniel had been up to it, he'd have given his shoulder a playful shove.

"You can move closer," Daniel said. "I won't bite." Before the words were even out of his mouth, he thought about how much he would love to bite into Johnny's shoulder or neck as he bent him over...

Johnny rolled onto his side and nudged up against Daniel's thigh, his blue eyes shining with a challenge, as if to say, See? I'm not afraid.

Daniel wanted nothing more than to keep teasing Johnny, now that he didn't need to pretend he didn't notice Johnny's reactions to him. Sleep was calling him, though. He took a few sips of tea, placed the cup on his nightstand, and nestled down in the covers.

"Do you need anything?" Johnny asked.

"Just your touch."

Johnny reached over and twined his fingers in Daniel's. So much was running through his mind. They had so many issues to sort out between themselves and the competing dojos. But right now, in this moment, Daniel could relax beside the man he loved and sleep easy.

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