Episode Sixty-Eight

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Daniel had never felt more proud. Not only had Johnny managed to go the entire morning without picking a fight, he even made a high dollar sale. He was really proving that he could change. And that he can talk to people. Maybe I should hire him on as a salesman. Apparently, some car buyers preferred his laid-back approach. It made them more comfortable, and Daniel could use that.

Daniel's mother had been calling him almost daily since he left the hospital, insisting on a visit. Knowing he couldn't put her off much longer lest she just show up one day, he told her she could come to dinner tonight. He wasn't sure if he was mentally prepared to speak with her about all the changes in his life but talking to Johnny about it was his main concern right now.

Daniel grinned across his desk at Johnny over the sandwiches he'd ordered for them.

"I had no idea you were interested in selling cars," Daniel said, peeling the foil from his vegetable wrap. "A Porsche in your first half an hour on the floor?"

"Yeah, that was an accident," Johnny said, not seeming to realize what a help this was.

"How do you accidentally sell a car that's worth over a hundred grand?" Daniel raised his brows.

"Guy was gonna buy anyway," Johnny said.

Daniel made Johnny give him the rundown. He frowned at Anoush's actions. Maybe it couldn't hurt to have a casually-dressed salesman. Johnny still didn't seem to realize what it had taken to reverse that difficult situation. Gilmore might have gone to Cole's instead.

"You know you'll get a commission check for this?" Daniel said.

"I'm not even on your payroll," Johnny protested.

"That's getting fixed this afternoon. And take the check. You earned it."

Johnny slowly unwrapped his own meat lovers' sandwich. "All right. It's going to go to June for Robby since he's staying there," Johnny agreed. He'd been saving the tuition June paid for Regina to give back to her for caring for his son, or so he'd told Daniel.

"Hey, there's something else I want to talk to you about," Daniel said, trying to make the news sound not-so-dire.

It didn't work. Johnny set down his sandwich. "What?"

"My mom's been wanting to visit," Daniel said with a sigh. "You know how many times she's called. I can't put it off anymore."

"Do you want me to leave Miyagi-Do for a night?" Johnny asked. "It's fine."

"No. I want you there," Daniel said. "It's better she hears this from me than someone else. And now Louie knows. It's only a matter of time."

His mom still hated the Cobra Kai, and that probably included Johnny Lawrence, no matter what dojo he was in.

"This is...a lot of openness in one day," Johnny said.

"I know. But I'll be right there with you." Daniel reached across the table to squeeze Johnny's hand.

"You know everyone thinks I'm not good enough for you." Johnny stared into Daniel's eyes.

"Not the people who know you. Our students, their parents, even Amanda. And they can't make that decision for us." Daniel kissed his knuckles.

* * * * *

Daniel stood before the students playing with his toy drum. Johnny had just stepped out from the house. He had to make sure they had something nice for dinner tonight, what with Daniel's mom coming. He was nervous about meeting her. At the tournament, all those years ago, he had caught a glimpse of her, but didn't even remember what she looked like. He was trying to prep himself mentally for a rough evening, but his nerves had his mouth getting away from him.

"What the hell is this? We playing with toys now?"

Sam narrowed her eyes at him but Daniel didn't turn. He merely beckoned Johnny over with one hand.

"I was taught this technique a long time ago. I ended up using it in a real fight, a fight to the death. It is both defensive and offensive. If you can master this technique, your opponent will not be able to land a punch on you."

Johnny crossed his arms over his chest. "Well shit, I'm all ears." The students, too, moved closer, their gazes locked on Daniel.

Daniel called Sam forward to help him demonstrate. He slowly went through the sweeping arm motions, the block and counter attack, which Sam must have known, because she threw slow, carefully placed punches to try to avoid. It almost looked like a dance.

After he was done instructing, Daniel urged them to practice.

"If you don't have your balance, this will be ineffective. That's one of the many reasons why we have focused on balance so much in the past. Remember the drum, and go!"

He turned and smiled at Johnny, pocketing the drum. Johnny raised his eyebrows at him.

"Does it really work?"

"Hit me." Daniel stood perfectly still, his hands at his sides.

"Your ribs...I'm not going to hit you," Johnny said.

"Don't worry, you won't." Daniel smirked at him. That self-satisfied smirk Johnny knew all too well. "Hit me."

"If you insist, Princess." Johnny moved into position and threw a punch at Daniel's face. He held back but he found his kindness was unnecessary. Daniel swung his left arm in front of him, effectively knocking Johnny's arm away, while his right arm followed immediately behind, landing a fist on Johnny's cheek.

Johnny blinked in surprise, the blow knocking him back a step.

"Don't take it easy on me, Pretty Boy," Daniel said. His eyes lit up with excitement. He must have really missed this. Johnny touched his aching cheek and returned the smile.

"Oh, I won't now, Danny."

He moved quickly, aiming a fist at Daniel's chest, but was blocked and hit again. He didn't hesitate but threw a left handed punch, and Daniel's arms swung right back around, hitting him anew. By now, both Johnny's cheeks were sore and he had a newfound respect for that silly drum.

He backed away and bowed to Daniel. Daniel returned the bow. Then they were smiling at each other. Applause broke out and they realized the children had been watching the entire exchange.

"Okay, it works, now back to training!" Johnny yelled, but he was grinning. Looked like this old dog could still learn some new tricks. He squeezed Daniel's arm, giving him a wink. "That's definitely a useful technique."

"Saved my life," Daniel whispered.

"Then I really do owe Mr. Miyagi."

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