Episode Sixty

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Dinner that night was a quiet affair. June had ordered them steak and potatoes, Johnny's favorite, but Johnny said nothing as he chowed down. Daniel sat on the couch while he sat at the kitchen table.

Is this our first quarrel as a couple? I hate this. Daniel was still angry that Johnny had done that on his own, though he was trying to see it from his side. Johnny was still blaming himself for everything that had happened and Daniel hated that. It wasn't his fault Kreese was a madman. On the other hand, Johnny had to open up to him. He should have talked to Daniel about his plans to make a deal.

It's noble that he wants to protect me but I can't let him throw himself in the fire in the process.

The next morning found Daniel preparing for his appointment with the oral surgeon. He didn't look forward to the visit itself, but he was definitely looking forward to running his tongue over his two front teeth and not feeling a broken mess.

Johnny was still passed out on the couch, so Daniel didn't bother him. He would be okay to drive.

Hours later, Daniel texted Johnny to let him know he was leaving and would be home soon. There was no response. He's still mad. I'll have to be the one to reach out. That man will stay angry forever unless I do. He wanted this spat over and done with. He wanted Johnny sleeping back in his arms again tonight.

Walking in the house, he caught Johnny making a sandwich. "Hey."

"Hey," Johnny said, not looking up. "They get your teeth straight?"

"Brand new ones. Didn't even have to put me under. My gums are sore but I have pain killers that won't make me sleepy."

Johnny brushed his hands off on his pants and walked briskly over. "Let me see." There was uncertainty in his eyes as he waited.

Daniel smiled wide, showing off his new teeth. His gums were still swollen from the surgery, but it was a far better sight than before. Johnny whistled.

"They sure are pretty."

Daniel caught his hand before he could walk away. "Hey, I don't want to fight. I do trust you, Johnny. I just know how you tend to go off and do stuff without thinking. I worried when you were gone. And going to Kreese...he could have hurt you. I just want you to talk to me. I'm sorry I was angry."

Johnny was quick to move in for a hug. "I'm sorry, too. I should have said something. I didn't want you to worry. I just felt like I had to take care of this alone." His breath on Daniel's neck was warm and welcome.

"Well, stop trying to take on the world alone, Johnny!" Daniel pulled back and touched his cheek. "You aren't alone anymore. We're a team now. I'm here. I, I love you."

Johnny wrapped his arms around his hips, lifting him up, resting Daniel's butt on the kitchen counter. He nudged himself between Daniel's legs, those bright blue eyes full of passion. Then Johnny was kissing him carefully, his fingers kneading his back, tugging his hair. Daniel couldn't stop his own reaction. Both hands gripped Johnny's head, pulling him closer, his lips melting over his. Johnny was gentle in his kisses, his mouth closed but his lips always moving. Daniel couldn't wait until he was fully healed so he could devour Johnny's mouth with his own. But the soft kisses were still heaven. He relished the feel of Johnny so close. Loved the fact that he could freely kiss him now.

"Oh, Jesus! Really!" Sam's exasperated yell had both their heads turning.

Sam stood in the door with Regina, removing their shoes. Neither man had heard the door open.

"It's kinda cute," Regina said.

"I do not want to know where you are doing it in this house!" Sam said as she hurried by.

"You really don't," Johnny quipped.

Regina followed Sam to her room, giving them a thumbs-up on her way.

Just as the door was slamming, Johnny had to throw in, "Don't shine a black light around here if you don't want nightmares!"

"Oh my God, Johnny, shut up!" Daniel laughed. He should expect this from Johnny. Suddenly, he sobered. "The kids. We gotta talk to them before they do anything against Cobra Kai."

"Fuck," Johnny muttered. "We should do that ASAP." He glanced in the direction Regina had gone.

"I'll contact the kids," Daniel said with a sigh. Maybe tonight, he and Johnny would have some alone time. It might be the teeth, but he was feeling better, at least better than he had been. He felt more himself. There were things he wanted to say to Johnny, and, slightly less important, things he wanted to do to him.

* * * * *

Kreese and Silver stood in front of their students to make the announcement of the truce. Silver had been less than pleased about that. Johnny, after all, was old, too old for the all-important All Valley. But Silver missed something important. Johnny was a vessel into which Kreese had poured all his knowledge. Kreese's tool. Kreese's weapon. And, if Johnny joined Cobra Kai to instruct again, Robby would come back, too.

Kreese could feel Silver's eyes on him as he explained the terms of the truce to the students, lined up in rigid rows like they were in the military. This truce was also about revenge. Johnny had dared to fail, come in second place, then had dared to become Danny-Boy's plaything.

And now, Johnny's son had taken the knowledge Kreese had given him and gone to Miyagi-Do.

"Any questions?" Kreese barked when he finished explaining that his students were not to fight those in Miyagi-Do.

Tory raised her hand.

"You! What is it?" Kreese asked.

"Does this mean Johnny has to break up with Daniel?" Tory asked.

"Heh, yeah," Brucks said. "Is Johnny going to come here and then go home to get plowed by LaRusso?"

Kreese felt his face growing red. That hadn't been directly addressed, but it was understood. "He won't be leaving this dojo!" There is no way Johnny would think he'd be wearing the Cobra Kai colors and spreading his legs for the leader of Miyagi-Do.

"Like not even to go to the bank or to the doc—" one of the new students started.

"Silence," Terry said quietly. "The point is that you must not fight, unless they engage first. And, most importantly, you must not lose. If you lose, the loss of a trophy will pale in comparison to what you face from your fellow Cobra Kai."

Kyler raised his hand next. "So we're just going to ignore them until after the All Valley?"

"The agreement is only that we cannot fight physically," Terry said.

He was planning something, and Kreese wondered what it could be.

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