Episode Seventy-Five

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Daniel and Johnny stood numbly in front of LaRusso Auto Group for the second time that day. Between going to see Sid in the hospital or going to look at machines, Johnny chose the latter. No, Johnny chose me. Our future.

Their financial future looked bleak. Daniel could hardly believe what he was seeing. Dashboards had been removed, and people in Hazmat suits sprayed down vehicles, filled with giant centipedes.

Only the domestic vehicles were insect-free. But that didn't spare them from having the dashboards removed and sprayed either. So much stock ruined, and the damage wasn't confined to just this location.

The officer who'd spoken to them after the vandalism at Cobra Kai stood in front of them now, blocking their view of the vehicular carnage.

"I don't know how this could happen," Daniel said, his fingers twined with Johnny's. He hadn't even realized he reached for his hand. "We keep everything clean at LaRusso, and we've never had an insect problem. Aside from the occasional fly or wasp that gets in."

"Why would Daniel do this? To his own business?" Johnny demanded.

"No one's accusing him of anything," the officer said. "But the infested cars all had different points of origin. All they have in common is LaRusso. Tom Cole is allowing his lot to be inspected, but nothing was found there."

"That sounds like an accusation," Johnny said.

"Calm down," Daniel whispered, even though he could hardly stay calm. Millions of dollars destroyed. This could well put him out of business. He wanted to scream. He'd built this little empire with Amanda. They'd poured everything into it, and now?

The officer cleared her throat. "It's possible that the infestation started with one group of cars brought here and spread to others. But why just the cars?"

"Yeah, it's Kreese," Johnny said. "Daniel knows it. I know it. This isn't some harmless tampon garlands."

"Unfortunately, fingerprints don't stay on bugs," the officer said. "But, I'll make a list of people to question. What about your estranged wife, Mr. LaRusso?"

"No!" Daniel and Johnny said at the same time.

"Amanda and I built this place," Daniel clarified. "Our breakup was mutual."

"Are you sure about that?" the officer prodded. "With your feud with the Cobra Kai, well, it would have been a convenient cover."

"No. Leave Amanda out of this," Daniel said firmly. "Amanda has been keeping the business running when I was out."

"You think it could be the people who had him beat to within an inch of his life?" Johnny prodded.

"Mr. Kreese and Mr. Silver had an alibi that evening, and Daniel could have been delirious enough to imagine things that didn't happen," the officer said.

Daniel took a deep breath, trying to cling to any shreds of patience he had.

"The business will need to be shut down through the weekend," the officer continued. "Until it's fumigated and inspected by the health department. You're free to go."

Daniel didn't want to linger. Unless he was one of the people in Hazmat suits, there was nothing to do here.

Their exodus, however, was stopped short by a wall of cameras and microphones. Flashbulbs went off in their faces, like they were some kind of celebrities.

"Mr. LaRusso? Do you have a statement to make?"

"How do you think your vehicles became infested? Why is it only LaRusso?"

"Are you afraid of centipedes?"

"You went to Japan recently, and these are a Japanese species of centipede. What do you think about that?"

"How do you feel about Happy Gilmore breaking his wrist in an auto accident this evening after centipedes exploded from the vents in a Porsche he bought from you?"

Daniel held up his arm to block the blinding lights. He couldn't see.

Johnny wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Get the hell out of the way! I said, get your camera outta my face." That statement was followed by the sound of smashing plastic.

"Hey! My camera!"

"Don't put it where it doesn't belong," Johnny growled and escorted Daniel through the throng.

Johnny hopped into the driver's seat on the way home. Before he started the car, he checked his phone. "Eleven missed calls from Rhonda."

"Do you want to go to the hospital for Sid?" Daniel asked.

"No," Johnny said. "What the hell am I gonna do for him? His heart attack was the only good thing to come from all this." He growled as he turned the key in the ignition. "But Rhonda doesn't deserve this."

"Let's go," Daniel said, patting his arm. "We won't stay long."

At least now the old man's poison tongue should be tempered.

* * * * *

Sid's tongue was as brutal as always as his pale body sat surrounded by pale sheets, an IV and other tubes and wires connected to him. Rhonda sat slumped in the single chair in the fluorescent-lit private room.

"You can get outta here," Johnny said as he and Daniel entered the room.

"Not as long as she's getting paid," Sid said with a wheeze. "Tonight's her last night on the job, so she's gonna eke out all the money she can get. Now, Johnny, Rhonda made a list of stuff I need. If you're not a good-for-nothing, you'll go and get it, especially since it's your fault I'm here."

"I'm not going to get you anything," Johnny said, giving Rhonda another nod toward the exit.

"Sid is gonna be just fine. Had a scare and wet himself over some bugs in that car," Rhonda said, rising. "The hell kinda cars you selling with bugs up under the dashboard?"

"I'm sorry this happened to you," Daniel said diplomatically. "We'll replace the SUV for you when we reopen."

"Do I need to bring an exterminator with me?" Rhonda asked.

"Give Johnny the list, Rhonda," Sid snapped.

"He said he's not getting it. Lie down and rest, Sid," Rhonda snapped right back. She turned to Johnny and Daniel. "The doctors want to keep him a few days, and then they'll be sending him home."

"Expect a lawsuit!" Sid bellowed. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you boys planned that."

"The insurance will handle it," Daniel whispered to Johnny. Johnny hoped he was right.

"Hey, Rhonda," Johnny said. "You need anything?"

"Yeah, a bottle of Scotch, but I'm gonna get it myself. He's got a team of nurses here. He doesn't need me. But he kept asking for you," Rhonda said. "Figured I'd get you here before I left for good."

"Why's he firing you?" Daniel asked.

"She left me in the car with the centipedes!" Sid shouted. "I had a heart attack."

"So what do you think I'm gonna do?" Johnny said, already having a suspicion of where this was going.

"Because the brat I didn't want, the brat I was forced to care for, is sure as hell gonna take care of me until I die," Sid said.

Johnny laughed. "You never once cared for me. This is goodbye and good riddance, Sid."

Daniel walked beside him as he left the hospital room, Sid shouting behind them. "You can't just leave! You good-for-nothing, sniveling reject! Your boyfriend won't have money now that it's all over the news about that golfer breaking his arm! Johnny!"

But Johnny was done. He'd never go back to Sid.

My Cobra Guyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें