Episode Seventy

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Kreese and Silver shared an octopus appetizer at a local seafood house, in front of a large aquarium displaying gold-and-white-striped fish. Silver's rings flashed as he speared another bite of octopus on his fork.

"Any day now, Danny-Boy will be hurting for money," Silver said with a grin.

But would it bring Johnny back? "It still doesn't guarantee us a win at the competition now that we lost Robby." Silver's latest scheme was so similar to one of Kreese's recent ones, which had involved a single cobra. Kreese hadn't bothered telling him this; Silver's plan was of a much grander scale.

"There are lots of ways to weaken opponents," Silver said, leaning back in the blue and yellow patterned booth. "Crush their morale first. And I wouldn't count on Robby competing in the All Valley with them. Then, who do we have to worry about? Hawk, Miguel, and LaRusso's kid. And we also have our ace."

Their ace. A deeply disturbed boy, more disturbed than most Kreese had seen. And Silver kept mum about where he'd found him.

* * * * *

When Daniel finally entered the dojo a couple hours later, he found Johnny shirtless and covered in sweat. The low lighting in the room made the moisture dripping down his chest glisten. He was beautiful as he punched the bag again and again. Except that snarl marring his face. He was still pissed.

"I can feel your eyes on me and all I have to say is fuck you," Johnny said, never even glancing his way.

"I deserve that. I'm sorry, really."

Johnny paused his punches to give him a scathing look. "I can't believe you didn't tell her. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable that was for me?"

Daniel crossed his arms over his chest. "Because it wasn't uncomfortable for me, either?"

Johnny practically ran over to get in his face. "No, you don't get to do that. You can't play victim here. You left me high and dry. Admit that you fucked up."

Daniel spread his arms wide. "Okay, I fucked up!" How could he explain this to Johnny? "Look, I know you may think this has all been easy for me just because I realized my feelings for you first. True, Amanda is taking it pretty well, but, even though I know I shouldn't, I do care what other people think. What they will say. I'm torn between shouting it from the rooftops and just hiding here with you and never emerging out into the world again. I, too, had to come to the realization that I'm in love with a man."

A touch of anger left Johnny's expression but he still wasn't pleased. "Fair warning would have been nice."

"I know, I know. I don't want to sound like an ass here, if it isn't already too late for that, but I have more family and friends to come out to than you do. In a way, you're lucky you don't have to do this over and over, never sure how someone will react, always tensed and waiting for them to decide they don't want you in their life anymore."

"Lucky, huh?"

"You know what I mean." Daniel wanted to touch him, to reassure him of his love, but Johnny still held fire in his gaze.

"I love my Mom but I wasn't ready to tell her. And she kept pressuring me for a visit. I felt like I had to give in. I just, I wasn't ready. I thought I might be, but I chickened out. I was afraid." Daniel felt tears prick his eyes but he didn't let them fall.

"Hmm," Johnny made a noise in his throat. "I read something online that said people should come out when they're ready and not before. So, you weren't ready but felt pressured? Again, you could have just told me."

"I know. I'm so sorry. I really thought I could do it before tonight. Then I thought I would just tell her tonight, first thing, get it out in the open. But she was going on about Amanda and... I'm sorry, Johnny."

Johnny finally grabbed him into a hug and Daniel exhaled in relief. The tears fell but he didn't care anymore.

"I thought I was supposed to be the one too full of pride to admit my feelings. Get over yourself, LaRusso," he said it teasingly and Daniel gave a small laugh as he cried.

"Well, the good news is she didn't storm out like you did. She wanted to talk some more and we cleared the air. I don't think she approves but she said as long as I'm happy."

Johnny kissed his cheek, his lips soft even as he covered Daniel in sweat. "As long as you're happy. I want that, too, Danny."

They held each other for a time, basking in the warmth of each other's bodies.

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