Episode Thirty-Five

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Johnny settled into the dojo a little too easily. Life was peaceful when Daniel wasn't around, and his body wasn't behaving in ways it shouldn't. The work week kept Daniel busy, and Daniel often had to return after practice. Johnny hadn't had another chance to speak with Regina about the dangers of Kreese and Terry Silver. He'd seen the look on Daniel's face when Silver appeared in the video. He really needed to instill caution into all the kids, especially the ones who'd lived sheltered lives and had never been in a real fight.

They had implemented the new rates for lessons this week and so far none of the parents had a problem with it. Sometimes, Johnny worked late with the kids who wanted extra training. And during the day, he did small repairs around Miyagi-Do, or just cleaned. He wouldn't treat this place like he treated his apartment. So far, he felt like he was earning his keep. He didn't want to be a charity case for Daniel.

For about an hour or so before bed, Daniel would talk to him about the dealership, and they'd discuss future lessons. The only real hardship was setting his alarm extra early, well before Sam got up for school, in case he had dreams he shouldn't be having. Since he was sleeping on the couch, he certainly didn't want her to have to walk in on that sight first thing in the morning. Kid might be traumatized.

He still had no car, but he lived where he worked. And Sam and Daniel picked up any necessities, like groceries, toilet paper, and drinks.

Johnny was feeling pretty confident on Friday - the big day when he and Daniel would talk to the kids about Kreese and Silver, discuss caution, the video, and some other surprise Daniel was keeping quiet about. This was the one night Daniel didn't have to go back to work. Samantha was planning on spending the night with Sophie, who she had become close to quite quickly, so Johnny was looking forward to hanging out with Daniel. Maybe they could sit back, have some beers, and watch some movies.

Johnny, black headband fastened, wore his black gi and joined Daniel in the courtyard.

Daniel looked energized and giddy - amazing after all the hours he'd put in at the dealership in the last week. Though Johnny had been skeptical at first, he saw Daniel wasn't lying when he said he needed him here.

Daniel wore his deep blue gi as he stood on the top of the steps. The students were already gathering, ready for another day of training.

"Leaky faucet is fixed," Johnny said, feeling more relaxed than he had in a long time.

"Thank God." Daniel flashed him a relieved look. "The bathroom faucet dripping throughout last night was a real pain in a place with thin walls. Thanks."

When the students were gathered, Johnny called them to attention with a loud, "Quiet!"

All conversation ceased and Daniel gave Johnny a nod to go ahead.

"Remember a few weeks ago, when I said you go out in groups of two at least, and avoid Cobra Kai?" When they were silent, he prompted them with a, "Well?"

"Yes, Sensei!" the students replied.

"Yet some of you, well, one of you, went off with your Beverley Hills friends, to challenge Cobra Kai. I know you've seen the video," Johnny said, his eyes landing on Regina.

Regina shrugged as everyone else's gaze followed Johnny.

"Why did you disobey? Why did you think that was acceptable?" Johnny demanded. He'd decided he was going to have to get tougher with her. She was stepping outside her insulated life and she had no idea what was waiting for her in the real world.

Regina frowned, then flipped her hair. "I'm not going to sit and do nothing when the handful of people who are important to me are being attacked. It's a bad look to stand aside when your friends are abused."

"As honorable as your intentions were, your plan was crazy," Daniel said. "You have no idea what kind of people you are dealing with here."

"So tell us, Sensei," Miguel said.

"Yeah, shouldn't we get some details?" Kendra asked. There were murmurs of agreement.

Regina sneered, not knowing when to shut up and listen. "I mean, they went and took Sensei Lawrence's home? If we do nothing, they'll think it's fine. Knock down your opponent before they get too full of themselves. What was it someone said from a video I watched? Sweep the leg?" She cocked a brow.

"Regina, shut up," Sam snapped. "I want to find out about this Silver guy, too."

Johnny watched Daniel heave a sigh before he launched into his story. He could tell by his rigid form that this was something Daniel hated talking about.

"Kreese alone is a formidable opponent. He's clever, he knows how far he can push without breaking the law. Years ago, he almost killed Johnny, in public, in front of a crowd. Now, he's older and wiser and knows how to really hit you where it hurts. His friend Silver, well, he's just as bad if not worse. He's completely insane but also smart. He tricked me when I was a kid, played me, made me think he was my friend. That he had my best interests at heart. But he was only setting me up for failure. He got in my head, much like Kreese does with his students. The person I became around him, well, I don't even like to think about how awful I was." He took another breath and looked each kid full in the face. "It isn't always direct attacks with these guys. Oh, they will attack you, they love violence, but they will also do their best to manipulate you. Turn you against each other. They live for these mind games. I'm warning you about them because they are dangerous."

He glanced at Johnny, trying for a hopeful grin but failing. "That doesn't mean their students are evil. They are just being used. Kreese sees them as pawns in his game. He doesn't care about them. They could be any one of you: having a hard time at school, being bullied, difficulties at home. He seeks these kids out and offers them the world. Some of you know what I'm talking about because he did that with you."

Hawk shifted uncomfortably but Demetri put a hand on his shoulder. Johnny caught Hawk's eye and gave him a reassuring nod.

"Kreese thinks we are at war. I have no idea why he is so obsessed with destroying this dojo. My victory at the All Valley Tournament was so long ago. Honestly, if his students won this year, I certainly wouldn't have it out for them for over thirty years. But, I digress, what I want you to remember is that he is dangerous. Steer clear. I honestly hope that maybe we can show his students that there are other dojos out there, not just ours, that would accept them. Other senseis who wouldn't treat them like soldiers and try to send them out to wage war against civilians. I hope that they can eventually see the light, but for now, we need to be cautious."

A few raised their brows at Johnny and Daniel at the mention of being hung up on an All Valley Tournament that took place in the eighties. How unfair. Karate was all Johnny had at that time. He'd loved it more than anything, and so had Daniel. Why was Daniel so quick to dismiss something that had been so important to him at the time?

Johnny stepped forward. "I also want to ask: who were the other two girls that helped Regina prank Cobra Kai? If he finds out who they are, they will need to be warned about how crazy he is, too."

"We didn't break the rule about going out alone," Hawk said, stepping forward.

"Huh?" Johnny said. "I'm not asking if you broke the rule. I'm asking who the two girls were."

Demetri sighed. "It was me and Hawk, Sensei."

"Damn, son, you make a pretty girl," Nathaniel said.

"You...wore dresses?" Johnny spluttered.

"Actually, I wore a skirt," Demetri said.

"Same thing!" Johnny shouted.

"Actually, I find skirts far more comfortable," Blane commented.

"They're, they're for girls!" Johnny spat out.

"Uh, haven't you ever heard of a kilt?" Miguel asked.

Daniel held up a hand. "No more provoking Cobra Kai. But we're running out of time before the last surprise. And I think this'll shed some light on avoiding bad decisions and how they can affect your whole life."

Johnny saw Regina scowl into the night; she still wasn't convinced. She felt like she had something to prove, and he thought part of it might be wanting to belong somewhere again. Except she was in a world more dangerous than she was willing to admit.

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