Episode Forty-Four

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Regina tasted blood in her mouth for the first time. Well, not counting the times she'd munched on chips after eating pizza that burned her gums. She certainly didn't remember anything like this from the bus accident because she barely remembered that at all.

Robby had kicked her in her perfect teeth!

How dare he! Dad, I love you, but your son is an asshole.

Kyler once again pummeled Hawk in his jaw. And Hawk kept glancing at Regina, worrying about her. Dummy wasn't concentrating on his own fight.

"Had enough, Princess?" Robby taunted. She'd barely scratched him.

"No, Robby." She wouldn't back down. Maybe she needed to rely more on her cheerleading skills. "I did what I did for Johnny." She cartwheeled out of the way of his next punch, then snatched the bleeding Hawk by the arm.

* * * * *

Johnny had once again grabbed Daniel's wrist, pulling him through the last half of the conveyor belt room and into the next room. This one had some kind of circus theme. The walls were painted like a big top tent with red and yellow stripes. There was a huge paper mache elephant in the center and clowns positioned everywhere. Motion activated, the clowns moved and laughed as you walked by.

"That's... not creepy at all," Daniel said.

Johnny didn't care for it either. Still gripping Daniel's wrist, he made his way around towards the door on the far side. A clown jumped out in front of them, making Daniel jump a mile. Unlike the creepily happy ones surrounding them, this one had a fake head, some kind of mask, that was decorated with wild green hair, a pale face, and a mouth that was a Glasgow smile. Fake blood dripped down the chin. The clothes were what threw him the most: it was merely black pants, black boots, and a black turtleneck. Did the amusement park run out of clown costumes or something? The guy didn't yell or anything, just stood there staring at them. Johnny pushed past him, dragging Daniel along. They didn't have time for this. A minute later, the clown had doubled around and was blocking them again. Again, utter silence from him.

"Fuck off," Johnny said. "We're leaving."

Johnny tried to rush past but the guy thrust out an arm and clotheslined him. The sudden blow to his throat sent Johnny back and almost to the floor. Daniel managed to catch him, yelling his name.

What the hell? What kind of clown attacks the guests? I'll fuck him up! Staggering back to his feet, Johnny raised his fists at the clown, who still stood there dumbly.

"Asshole. You asked for it now," Johnny said hoarsely.

"Johnny, we shouldn't," Daniel tried but it was too late. Johnny swung at the clown, who must have been three inches taller than him, but the guy dodged easily. As Johnny's body thrust forward, the clown brought a heavy fist down on his shoulder. Johnny went down hard, his cheek smacking the wood beneath them. He saw stars for a minute, that asshole was strong, but he was up on his knees before the cut on his cheek started to bleed. To his surprise, he saw a body thrown back into the wall. Daniel had delivered a flying kick to the clown. Before the clown could even slide to the floor, Daniel was beside Johnny, throwing his shoulder under Johnny's good arm, lifting him to his feet.

"We gotta get out of here. I have a feeling Kreese and Silver are behind all of this."

Daniel's breath still smelled like soda and hot dogs but at the moment he welcomed it. His shoulder hurt like a son of a bitch. Finding his footing, they quickly moved to the next room.

Just to run into another fight. This room had a huge rotating cylinder that you had to walk through and Sam was on her knees inside it, struggling to get to her feet. Miguel was blocking attacks from Tory just beyond.

"What the fuck!" Johnny yelled.

Daniel didn't speak at all. At the sight of his daughter unable to get up, he let go of Johnny and ran to her side.

Regina appeared at the mouth of the rotating cylinder, Hawk in tow. They both looked winded and Hawk's face was bloody. "Dad! These Cobra Kai jerks are attacking us!" Regina screamed.

The sight of the kids he had grown to love in trouble had his strength returning. Adrenaline pumped through him and Johnny rushed forward. Miguel wasn't fighting back against Tory, merely blocking and trying to reason with her. Before Johnny could even make it to Daniel and Sam, Sophie rushed in out of nowhere and punched Tory square in the jaw. Tory went down hard, hitting the floor like a pile of bricks.

Daniel had Sam in his arms just as he had Johnny that day in the woods. "Let's go!" He yelled. Fight or flight had taken hold and Daniel was choosing flight. Johnny was revved up for a fight but he knew that the safety of the kids came first. Running through the cylinder, he snatched Hawk and Regina by the arm, called for Sophie and Miguel, and headed for the exit. Dashing through the rooms now, he saw Kyler bending at the waist, hurt but still standing. Robby was here. Where is he now? He felt conflicted. Robby was his son, he was concerned for him, but then again, Robby had attacked Regina. What the hell would possess his son to hit a girl? Kreese. Furious, he moved faster, glancing over his shoulder now and then to make sure Daniel, Miguel, and Sophie weren't far behind. They finally found the exit.

Sucking in fresh air, Regina clutched her knees beside him. Hawk was asking after her but Johnny pulled him aside to check his wounds. His nose and lip were bloody but nothing looked broken. The group walked slowly away, each jabbering on about their own experiences in the funhouse, Sam insisting she was fine enough to walk.

"She kicked me in the chest but it surprised me more than it hurt me. I'm fine, Dad, really."

"I'm sorry, Sensei. I couldn't hit her," Miguel was apologizing to Daniel but he merely shook his head.

"It's fine, Miguel. I understand. This was a sneak attack. They must have planned this."

"They did. Robby said as much," Regina piped in. She was checking out her teeth in a hand mirror, grimacing. "Sorry, Dad, but I think he should have been spanked more as a child. He frickin' punched me!"

"That's not the Robby I know," Johnny said sadly.

"No, it isn't. He certainly wasn't like that when he was at Miyagi-Do," Daniel agreed. "Let's get all of you home. Sophie, can you call Blane, Chris, and Demetri and check on them? Make sure they weren't attacked elsewhere."

The group moved on, Johnny hurrying to find ice for the injured. He was livid. A fun afternoon out with their students had turned into a nightmare. Kreese was going to pay for this.

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