Episode Fifty-Eight

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Regina sat with Robby by the side of the pool, finishing up a salad with arugula, goat cheese, and strawberries. June had had lunch ready for when Robby arrived. Sure, it was a school day, but Regina had suspected he might not be up for going either. In fact, June had written an excuse for her to take the next week off, after witnessing what had been done to Daniel. And someone needed to keep an eye on Robby. One call to Sophie, and Julie agreed staying in the George's mansion was the wisest choice.

Robby ate quietly, occasionally casting her a wary look. Now that his stomach was full, she'd decided she'd waited long enough.

"Robby, you're really a nice person, aren't you?" Regina asked. "Just hurt too many times?"

He leaned back in his white wicker chair and folded his arms. "What are you asking?"

"This is the only time anyone will ever hear me say this, but I am not a nice person. Especially when someone tries to hurt me. I've tried at Miyagi-Do, and I was doing oh-so-well until Johnny became homeless."

"Did you bring me here to threaten me?" Robby asked. "If so, I'll just leave."

"And cause more trouble for Johnny? I don't think you have to be smart to see he has enough. And I would not waste my time bringing you here to threaten you, or let Mom waste goat cheese on you." She paused to sip her kale smoothie. "No one trusts you, Robby. And, if you do try to leave, I'll call security, say you stole some of Mom's diamonds. The security in this development is much better than the cops."

"Okay, I'm trapped." He held out his hands, his face not betraying much of a reaction. "What do you want?"

"I want to watch you, because I think there's a good chance you're still working with Kreese. Kreese is sly, manipulative, and ruthless. I know sly, manipulative, and ruthless. If I were Kreese, I would've sent you back to Johnny." Regina wouldn't be clouded by emotions and guilt, not how Johnny would.

"Yeah, well, think what you want." Robby looked away with a "kicked puppy" expression. He might just be like her, using looks and playing on emotions for an advantage.

She laughed and took another sip of her smoothie. "I'm not done yet. There's one other thing, while we're putting you up."

"What's that?" He sounded weary of the conversation. Too damned bad.

"I want you to show me what Kreese and Silver taught you," Regina said, tapping a long nail on the end of the glass table. "Daniel won't show us, but I bet they showed you."

Robby's brow knit in panic. "No! It doesn't...it makes you not a good person."

She giggled. "So, in other words, nothing would change."

"You're wrong," Robby said, meeting her eyes. "You'll be more aggressive. Full of anger. I saw you fight. You didn't leave Hawk, even though you were outmatched. I...I went easy on you. I wouldn't have fought you before."

"I'm already angry, and you don't have a choice," Regina said, pushing her chair away from the table. "So, let's begin. Where do we start?"

* * * * *

Johnny ripped open the door of Cobra Kai with more force than necessary, with intent of alerting someone to his presence. The front room was empty, the students in school, his dramatic entrance wasted.

He stormed over to the office only to find that silver-haired asshole sitting at the desk, on his phone. Silver looked up, blinked, then gave a creepy smile.

"Where's Kreese?" Johnny blurted.

"Training in the back. Do go see him. Oh, he has been waiting for you!" Silver cackled and Johnny ignored him, quickly leaving and throwing open the door to the back room, the storage area.

Kreese was kicking a punching bag, his old body still moving at a dangerous speed. At the sound of the door, he stopped and turned. When his eyes met Johnny's, he gave a slow smile, his eyes sparkling in triumph.

"Johnny! How nice to see you. I figured you would be coming to see me soon. How's your boyfriend, Danny-Boy?"

Rage had his fists clenching, his short nails digging into his palms, but Johnny kept his tone neutral.

"I'm here to make a deal."

"What sort of deal?" Kreese crossed his arms over his chest, amused.

"The same deal Miyagi made with you back then. No more attacks until the tournament. Leave the kids, and Danny, alone."

Kreese made a show of rubbing his chin, as if he was thinking about it. "I'm gonna need more than that, Johnny."

He knew this was coming. Johnny took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and then locked eyes with the man who had done his best to ruin his life.

"If you win the tournament, I'll come back to Cobra Kai. I'll come back to stay."

Kreese smiled before his eyes narrowed. "And if you win?"

"You close Cobra Kai. For good. You and Silver go crawling back to whatever hole you dragged yourself from. I don't see your face ever again."

"Ah, but Cobra Kai is my livelihood, Johnny. That's asking a lot."

"You barely have any students now. Your own reputation is ruining you," Johnny smirked. "You don't give a shit about these kids. You just want that first place trophy. So, earn it. You think you can?"

Kreese paced for a moment, his eyes on the floor. Then he approached Johnny and stuck out his hand. "You have a deal."

Johnny shook his hand and for almost a full minute, they both applied as much pressure as they could. Johnny didn't back down, schooled his face so his pain didn't show. Kreese smirked at him, then released him.

"Tell your kids. And your girlfriend, Silver."

Johnny grinned at Kreese's horrified expression.

"I don't take it up the ass like you, Johnny."

Johnny merely shrugged. He wouldn't be baited. He had gotten what he came for. Kreese went on hurling insults but Johnny turned and left, throwing his middle finger up at Silver as he passed the open office door. He really hoped Miyagi-Do won the tournament but either way, the kids were safe. If he was stuck back here, under Kreese's thumb, he would still ensure that nothing happened to them, or Danny. He couldn't live with himself if it did.

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