Episode Eleven

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"Dirt bike accident in 2002," Johnny said. "Fuck, I remember going to the hospital. Everything is so damned white in those places. They smell like rubber soles and rubbing alcohol. They don't smell like people. Those fuckers thought I was a puss who was gonna die. Hah. One of the nurses kept telling me what a dick I was."

"You're not making this up?" Daniel asked. The story seemed unbelievable, yet everything fell nearly into place. It explained so much: why Johnny had no knowledge of current pop culture or technology. Why he seemed to have never really grown up. He'd slept through his prime.

"You think I'd want you to know I was in a coma for that long? Kidding me?" Johnny asked. He still stared at Daniel.

A nagging suspicion tugged at Daniel's heart. "How much did you have to drink when it happened?"

"Dunno." Johnny shrugged and winced. "A few Coors Banquets."

"How...how did you wake up?" Daniel asked, lightly rubbing the pulse point of Johnny's wrist with his thumb. He imagined Johnny sleeping in that pristine bed, gold waves on the pillows. Would someone have cut his hair while he slept? Sleeping beauty.

"Your stupid fucking car commercial," Johnny said. "You were singing Happy Honda Days and breaking bricks."

"You're joking?" That's what had woken Johnny after ten years? The irony of it all.

"I woke Sleeping Beauty. Hah." Daniel chuckled. He hadn't released Johnny's wrist.

"Some smokin' hot babe shoulda woke me with a kiss," Johnny huffed.

A kiss? Daniel thought of someone taking advantage of Johnny's vulnerable mouth while he'd slept, completely unaware. Or would he be unaware? What if Johnny had felt the kiss and didn't want it?

What wishful thinking. He'd probably be happy with any woman's lips. But then again, he was rebuffing June's attempts as far as Daniel could tell. Why was that?

"What if I were the one to kiss you?" Daniel asked, without even thinking. What was he doing? Joking, obviously. A few jokes might calm Johnny.

Johnny's heavy-lidded eyes bulged. "I'd have woke up to kick your freak ass is what."

With surprising strength, he grasped Daniel's collar and hauled him forward so Daniel leaned over him, his lips just over Johnny's. Daniel couldn't breathe for a moment. Meanwhile, Johnny's breath tickled Daniel's lips. Did he want Daniel to kiss him? There was something intense in those beautiful blue eyes. Against his better judgment, Daniel was sorely tempted to bridge that small gap between them. Just half an inch, and he could know the warmth of those lips.

Johnny's hand fell away and he panted, his eyes closed again.

What the hell am I supposed to do? He's not in his right mind. I don't want to upset him when he's like this. Amanda would freak if I kissed Johnny, wouldn't she? He wants me to kiss him, doesn't he? What am I even thinking? This is crazy.

Daniel lowered his head to close the tiny gap between them. He could make fun of Johnny for this later, when Johnny was back to himself, right? But that joke would have to stay between the two of them. No one else could know. Because it was just a joke, after all. Nothing more. He could feel his heart racing as he stared at the lines and curves of his ex-rival's face. Johnny had aged well. As miserable as he might seem, there were definitely laugh lines around his eyes. Those tiny crinkles of flesh that spoke volumes. In a way, Daniel was jealous of him. Of his freedom, his no-fucks-given attitude. Johnny answered to no one and though that wasn't always a good thing in his case, Daniel could admit that he envied that sometimes. What he had a hard time admitting to himself right now was how much he wanted to trace the lines of Johnny's face with his fingers. His hands itched to feel those golden locks once more. He haltingly leaned closer. What could it hurt? One kiss that meant nothing? Just before their lips could touch, Johnny's body shuddered violently and he gave a distressed mewl.

"Johnny!" Daniel opened his eyes to see Johnny's head tilted back, as if in pain. Was he having a seizure?

Johnny's breath hitched and drops of water squeezed from beneath his lowered lashes. He was...softly sobbing?

Johnny was gonna be hella embarrassed if the kids heard. He leaned over and carefully slipped an arm beneath Johnny's neck and shoulders to hold him close, to muffle his weeping. The bandage was finally doing its job: no new spots of blood were seeping through.

"It's okay," Daniel whispered. "I got you." What was he supposed to say to a crying Johnny Lawrence? This was the most surreal moment of his life. If someone had told him just a few months ago that he would be cradling and comforting this giant man in a tent in the woods, worried about him so, almost kissing him, he probably would have knocked them out. Or laughed until his sides ached.

Johnny's arm slipped around his waist and squeezed before his fingers found the edge of Daniel's sweater vest. He grasped it and then his arm went limp. "Don't leave me."

Daniel's heart lurched at the desperation. He stroked the soft hairs at Johnny's nape. Was this the real Johnny? Was it like when people behaved strangely on drugs or anesthesia? A brain injury could completely change someone's personality. No, Johnny couldn't have a brain injury from that fall, could he? When would help arrive? Yet, Daniel selfishly wasn't ready for this strange moment to end.

Then again, another thought had his breath shuddering. What if this was Johnny? The vulnerable, frightened side he never shared with anyone? The thought pained Daniel that some part of Johnny might just not hate him, was frightened and hurting. It nearly destroyed the image of the villain of his youth.

"I'm not leaving you," Daniel promised.

"I mean don't...ever..." Johnny didn't finish the thought. Or had he? His body had stilled and his breathing had become steady. Sleep.

Daniel never thought he would pity such a man. But who did Johnny have? His ex wife and his estranged son? Had anyone even come to visit him in the hospital during his coma? Or had he only heard the words of strangers?

"I got you," Daniel said again. "We're going to a hospital, but I won't leave you there alone." How could he leave Johnny in this state? He would never be able to live with himself if he did.

A loud whirring sound came from above. Was that...was that a helicopter?

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