Episode Sixty-Three

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Johnny felt lightheaded, adrift in warmth as Daniel LaRusso probed his most intimate space with soft, deliberate fingers. As carefully as you deserve. Those words had him going as much as Daniel's fingers. Never had Johnny thought someone would treat him gently, as if he were delicate. He really cares about me, and I don't want him to ever stop.

Johnny gasped, remembering the words Daniel had said just before Sam and Regina had interrupted them. The words had been lost in the shuffle. He loves me!

Thought grew more difficult as Daniel continued his massage, speeding up, and alternating kisses and soft nibbles on Johnny's back and ass. Johnny's body moved of its own accord, wanting more of Daniel's touch. If Daniel wanted to fuck him now, Johnny didn't think he'd protest at all.

He felt so vulnerable like this, spreading himself for Daniel, Daniel inside him, stretching him, exploring his body.

"You can h-have me," Johnny whispered.

"I'd hurt you if I did that," Daniel said, his own voice shaking. Was Daniel really turned on by fingering him? "I want you to get used to this. You're so tight with only two fingers." Only two? It felt like more than that. What would Daniel's dick feel like?

Daniel's hair was soft against his backside as he leaned his brow against Johnny. "And I don't think I'll be able to hold back. So, until I heal, I'm going to touch you as much as I can, so you can handle me."

"Oh, Danny, I can hand—"

Daniel's free hand closed over his dick, and that was all it took.

Johnny shouted as he came, spurting his seed onto the floor. Daniel's fingers lingered for a few seconds after Johnny had finished, before he withdrew them. The blindfold fell to the floor between Johnny's elbows, and Daniel released Johnny's wrists.

Johnny sat up, blinking in the light, seeking out Daniel. Daniel pulled him into his embrace and held him. Johnny's arm circled Daniel's waist as he settled into his firm arms. Now that he wasn't as damned horny, he wondered what he'd looked like to Daniel, shaking his ass and thrusting against his hand. His face was on fire, but he didn't leave. He didn't want to. Daniel was stroking his hair again, so painfully gentle.

Tears he couldn't explain stung his eyes and he tightened his arm around Daniel. He didn't want to let him go. Daniel seemed to be of a similar mind, because he wasn't releasing Johnny either.

The two stayed like that until Daniel admitted, "I'm starting to get sore here. I'll clean this up if you want to shower. And, we'll meet in bed?"

"I can clean up after myself," Johnny said. "Yeah, I'll meet you in bed." He'd go make Daniel some of that chamomile tea, too. He liked that one before bed.

When he came to the bedroom, Daniel was propped up on the pillows in black silk pajamas. He pored over some reading material on his iPad, or maybe it was work stuff.

"Feeling okay?" Daniel asked him.

"I should be the one asking you that," Johnny said, setting the teacup on Daniel's nightstand. "You're the one who didn't get off."

Daniel smirked. "It was enough for me, watching you. Trust me."

Why did Johnny blush so easily? He had to stop that.

Daniel set aside as his laptop and lifted his arm, an invitation for Johnny to climb underneath it.

Johnny took that invitation, and rested his head on Daniel's chest. He closed his eyes, letting the spicy fragrance of Daniel's cologne drift into his nose. He wanted Daniel badly, even though it hadn't been long since he'd gotten off. He tried to shut out the insults Johnny of the past might have hurled at himself and draw comfort from Daniel's warmth.

"You feel so good," Daniel said, starting to play with Johnny's hair again. "You need me to take care of you again?"

"I, uh, actually wanted to talk to you," Johnny said. He'd practiced what he was going to say while he'd showered. And yet, it was still hard for him to admit. Hard for him to put himself out there, to show such vulnerability. But he would do it, for Daniel.

Daniel shifted so he peered down into Johnny's face. "What is it?"

Johnny twined the fingers of his left hand in Daniel's right and swallowed.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me," Daniel said, face full of concern. "If what we did earlier was too much, that's okay. We can slow—"

"I don't want to slow down," Johnny said. He squeezed Daniel's hand softly. "I love you."

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