Episode Forty-Two

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Regina tried to ignore the dark looks from Yazmin, Demetri's girlfriend. She had the same straight blonde hair as Regina and her Dorothy dress was of a similar cut to Regina's and Sam's Wonderland dresses. Blane and Chris had taken off to ride a few rides together. They were a weird looking couple, but they seemed happy together so she wouldn't come between them.

"We don't have to stay with them," Sam said, adjusting the black headband with a large bow. "They weren't really supposed to be here."

"Hanging around the sensei isn't bad," Miguel said.

Normally, Regina would want to ditch any parental figures, but these two weren't annoying, and she was invested in the two of them getting together, looking to nudge them when the opportunity presented itself. It was Valentine's Day, after all. "My vote is that we stay. Really, they need our supervision."

"She's not wrong," Miguel said, giving Sam an apologetic look. "This is going too well; we're gonna have a real life battle between the Sheriff and Robin Hood."

"If they do something messed up and get arrested or something, it might kill our chances at the All Valley. Can't train if the senseis are in jail," Hawk said practically.

"Whatever, I'm bored," Yazmin said with a sigh.

"Oh, we should do the funhouse!" Sophie offered. Hawk nodded vigorously, then looked to Regina for confirmation. The freaky-haired boy was either trying to act tough or following her around like a puppy and she wasn't sure how she felt about that.

Regina was about to shut that idea down, but then thought it might be something cute for the two dads to do together. "Yeah, okay. Oh, here they come."

Regina couldn't help but snicker as a group of people strolled by, all in the same tight-fitting skeleton costume. "How many people thought a bargain bin sexy skeleton costume was the best idea?"

"And who painted their faces?" Yazmin chimed in.

Said individuals, four of them, turned their heads to glare at Regina and Yazmin.

"Shhh. They're Cobra Kai people," Miguel said.

Was that the same one Johnny had? Regina returned their glare with a smug smirk and turned on her heel. "Let's make sure the senseis haven't killed each other."

"Let's not mention we saw Cobra Kai either," Sam said. "It's only gonna make them paranoid."

* * * * *

"You waited for us," Johnny said, surprised when he and Daniel caught up with the kids. "Don't you kids have better shit to do, like go drink beer behind a ride or something?"

"Johnny," Daniel said, shaking his head, before snapping out of his disapproval. "Let's go check out the funhouse."

Johnny shrugged. He hadn't said much since the ferris wheel and Daniel's confession about paying off his hospital bills. He was trying to accept that and move on, but what was really bothering him was this nagging feeling that there was something more going on here. Today reminded him of his time he spent with Ali when she had come to visit a couple months ago. Is this, is this a date? Somehow, it felt like one. He and Daniel met up with the kids from time to time, sure, but they had mostly been alone together today. Did Daniel see it that way? Probably not. Then again, he was sticking awful close to him. Every once in a while, he would catch Daniel gazing at him appreciatively. Don't make it weird. You just think you see things because of your weird reactions to him.

He had to admit, Daniel looked good in his costume. But he couldn't think about that or risk his dick acting weird. Definitely couldn't have that in this costume. At least he'd found a way to take care of himself to temper his reactions. He didn't want to think how awful this could've been if it hadn't been for the car commercials.

"Yes, I've wanted to see the funhouse, too," Regina said, grabbing the arms of Sam and Hawk and pulling them to her side. Demetri and Yazmin begged off, deciding to go enjoy more rides instead.

The funhouse was also decorated for the terror event, the doors shrouded in gauzy black material. Lights flashed from beneath the closed door. A chainsaw and shrieks could be heard from inside.

"I hate chainsaws," Demetri muttered.

"It's supposed to be scary," Yazmin said with an eye roll.

The pack of teens went in first, but only two were able to enter at a time. This attraction really seemed to be geared for couples.

A man dressed as the Grim Reaper lingered at the front door, talking in a low, goofy voice. "Welcome, mortals! Do you dare enter death's domain?"

"Don't punch the actors, Johnny," Daniel whispered with a sly smile.

So, Daniel was teasing him. "Don't scream too loud, Danielle." Johnny nudged his shoulder. Nothing wrong with enjoying this.

They entered last, the first room being the mirror maze. The kids must have moved quickly because there was no sign of them. Johnny led the way and there were a few comical moments where he smacked his face into the glass. Daniel laughed but it was a nervous sound. Did this place bother him? Bad experience that traumatized him as a child, perhaps?

Without thinking, Johnny grabbed Daniel's wrist and quickened his steps, leading with his free hand. Johnny didn't say a word about it, but he sorta wanted to punch whoever decided on this mirror setup. And Daniel wasn't exactly pulling his hand away...

* * * * *

Kreese sipped his brandy at an upscale steakhouse. Silver sat across from him. Their conversation had ended with the first of Tory's messages. He shouldn't have been surprised Miyagi-Do was at that Wonderland event. If it had been fifty years ago, Kreese probably would've been there, too.

Kreese typed the instructions to Tory, battling with that terrible function that tried to change words to ones he didn't want: "If they're in the funhouse, put some fear into them."

"Regina George..." Silver said, reading a message from one of his many contacts. "Rich kid, held back a year. Divorced mother, and survived getting hit by a bus last summer. She has no concept of real danger...aside from the bus." Silver scratched his head at that one.

Kreese remembered Regina well from the shopping center, the cruel girl who'd insulted him as easily as breathing. Tory had matched her voice to the one in that video.

"Her closest friends are Karen and Gretchen," Silver said, putting particular emphasis on that last one. "Is this your Gretchen?" He slid his phone across the table, revealing a smiling brunette. A few taps revealed she was nineteen and in college far from here. A very young thirty-seven indeed.

Another text came through from Tory, this one an image of two figures Kreese hardly recognized. Both wore what appeared to be pantyhose and boots. It was only the profile of the man clad in black, standing very close to the other, that told Kreese who they were. "Danny-Boy." Standing so close to my Johnny, like he's yours. I made him. You cannot take my creation. And Danny-Boy was wearing a smile; his expression couldn't be called anything less than adoring.

"Look who else is there," Kreese said darkly, displaying the picture for Silver. "The one in the hood is Johnny."

"So your Johnny is there on a date," Silver said with a laugh. "The funhouse, huh? I'm afraid Miyagi-Do won't be having much fun..."

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