Episode Twelve

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One helicopter ride - really, how had Daniel thought they were getting out of the woods when there weren't roads? - and several X-rays and an MRI later, Daniel stood with a doctor in Johnny's hospital room. They'd given him some kind of sedative on the helicopter, and he'd slept peacefully since.

Or at least Daniel hoped it was a peaceful sleep.

"As I said, he isn't in a coma," the doctor said, a blonde man with sharp cheekbones and a creased forehead. "He'll wake as soon as the sedatives wear off. We gave him the sedatives so he'd cooperate. You did mention he wasn't himself."

"He wasn't violent or anything like that, Dr. Howser," Daniel argued. Not only was this injury his fault, but he'd let them give Johnny a sedative.

"I understand they thought you were his husband." Dr. Howser nodded at the ring on Daniel's left hand. "But I recognize you. You're Daniel LaRusso. Your wife is in your car ads sometimes."

"Yeah, what does this have to do anything? Why's my marriage a topic of discussion?" Daniel didn't like this doctor. He bore an uncanny resemblance to a notorious suited womanizer and scheister from a TV show that was popular a few years back.

"You're not family," Dr. Howser said. "Do you know who I can call?"

"His ex-wife's in rehab and his son won't talk to him. So, there's just me," Daniel said, sliding his hands into his pocket.

"Are you a relative?"

"We run a dojo together," Daniel said. "I'm his...friend."

"I can't legally let you stay here," the doctor said. "We'll keep Mr. Lawrence here overnight for observation. If you're going to be his ride, someone can call you then."

"I'm not gonna leave him here," Daniel said, planting his feet firmly. "You need him observed? I'll take him home with me."

"We can't allow you to remove an unconscious man from the hospital," the doctor argued back.

"Daniel, you're so loud," Johnny said, his eyes closed. "The fuck is going on?"

Daniel's shoulders sagged in relief. Johnny was waking! And calling him Daniel instead of Danielle? "We're at the hospital. It's fine. You're fine."

"Why am I here? Ugh, my head..." Johnny turned his head and rubbed at his eyebrows, his eyes still closed. It seemed like he didn't remember any of it.

"You have a bad concussion," Dr. Howser said. "We'd like to keep you overnight."

"Hey, I told him you'd rather go home," Daniel said with a smirk.

"Home," Johnny said. He groaned as his blue eyes slit open. "Unless the nurses are serious babes."

"I recommend you remain for observation," Dr. Howser said, adjusting the medical charts in his hands.

"Yeah, I'm not a pansy who needs observation," Johnny said. "Going home."

"You're not thinking clearly," Dr. Howser said, leaning over Johnny's bed.

"No, he's himself again," Daniel said.

The doctor shined a light in Johnny's eyes and Johnny slapped at the light. "Get that the hell away."

Daniel chuckled. "Yep, definitely back to his old self. Johnny, let him do the tests so I can get you home."

"He'll need observation for the next twenty-four hours," Dr. Howser said. "It's critical, considering his history."

"I got that," Daniel said. Lots of coffee. He'd be fine. He glanced at Johnny, expecting a protest, but Johnny let the doctor shine the light in his eyes and followed it. He counted the number of fingers Dr. Howser held up. He answered his name and birthdate correctly.

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