Episode Seventy-Two

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Daniel climbed into the backseat alongside Johnny. No wonder Johnny had left town while Daniel was in Japan. It was hard for Daniel to hold back when Sid looked for any excuse to disparage Johnny. Why did Sid hate him so much?

Daniel tried to tune out Sid, unless he had a question about the vehicle. Every syllable stabbed, and the worst part was that Sid spoke so openly about Johnny, as if everyone else would just agree with Sid.

Johnny gazed out the window, silent.

"So, when'd Johnny start working for you?" Sid asked.

"Months ago," Daniel said. It wasn't a lie if you counted Miyagi-Do.

"Hah. That's long for him. He tries stuff and gives up, or he sucks at it. Magic when he was a kid - couldn't even manage a simple card trick." Sid laughed again.

Daniel's heart broke at the thought of a much younger Johnny living with someone so brutal.

Johnny's face was turned away, facing the road.

"Then it was karate, and he got his ass handed to him by some short kid. Then let's not go through all the jobs—"

"Sid, shut up," Daniel said, leaning forward. Professionalism had been scattered to the winds, and Daniel didn't care. LaRusso had survived enough scandals; it would survive this one. "So help me, I will—"

Johnny grabbed Daniel's shoulder. "He isn't worth it."

"But you are," Daniel argued. "I'm not going to let him talk about you like this."

Johnny gave Daniel a pleading look. It would probably look very badly if Daniel punched a sickly old man who had to travel with a nurse.

"Rhonda, drive back to the dealership," Daniel said, while Sid gaped at him in shock.

Rhonda gunned it, probably as eager to be done with this trip as the rest of them. Daniel would normally protest, but today, he'd make an exception. A speeding ticket was far better than getting arrested for attempted manslaughter.

Johnny reached for Daniel's hand, Daniel didn't even think he realized it, as he rested his brow in his palm, taking deep breaths.

I wasn't there for you then. I'm here for you now. He squeezed Johnny's hand and stroked the pulse point at his wrist.

"Hooo, got someone to defend you there," Sid said, finding his voice, staring ahead at the road. "And, you, LaRusso, you're real misguided letting someone like him in your life. You don't know—"

"Yeah, I know Johnny. I've known Johnny since we were kids. It's you who doesn't know him."

"When you were kids? I don't remember—" Sid turned in his seat to scrutinize Daniel's face. "Wait a minute. You're older now, but you're that kid who gave him the beat down of his life. So bad his old teacher beat him down again. And now, he's working for you? You take him in out of pity?" The old man did not know when to stop.

"No, Sid, I love Johnny, something I doubt you've ever experienced in your life." Daniel bristled with rage as Rhonda pulled the SUV into the dealership, parking it right where it had been. "That's truly pathetic for someone as old as you are."

"Well then, lover boy, guess he's your problem now. I washed my hands of him," Sid said, reaching for his cane. "Rhonda, get my wallet out to pay for the damned car. If I have to sit through another test drive... Hah. This'll be the last time Johnny gets money from me."

Johnny pulled his hand from Daniel's and hurried out. Daniel followed him, not worried about Sid. "One of our other salesman will finish this!" he called over his shoulder. It shouldn't have surprised him that Sid would stay so long just to torment Johnny.

"Hey!" Daniel jogged to catch up with Johnny. "Wait."

"You didn't need to do that."

"The hell I didn't," Daniel said, catching Johnny by the wrist. Was Johnny angry?

"That's the way it's always been with me and him," Johnny protested, but he didn't pull away. "I'm used to it."

"You should've never had to be. Come on, Johnny. Let's finish up and go home."

Louie was leaning over Sheila's desk, chatting with her while Anoush was with a customer.

"Louie, get that customer out there his SUV," Daniel said when he and Johnny joined Louie and Sheila. "And when he signs the papers and we get his money, make it clear he is never to come back." He had a feeling Johnny would be very disappointed if they didn't finish the sale, and Johnny had tried so hard.

"Whoa, what'd this guy do?" Louie took a step back from Daniel after a look at Daniel's face.

"Don't worry about it," Daniel said. "Just finish the sale. And don't report back to me on any of that guy's insults." Fuck. Maybe I just should've handled it. But Sid might shut up with both Johnny and Daniel out of sight. What was the point if Johnny wouldn't lose a job or the insults didn't reach Johnny's ears?

He understood a little better now why Johnny thought Daniel was so lucky to have people caring about him, people to be protective and worry for him. But that was changing now, between the students and their parents. And Daniel would keep loving him. Johnny would be part of a loving family; Daniel would see to it.

He glanced at Johnny's left hand as Louie exited the dealership to go meet Sid. Why was he thinking about this so soon? Soon? It's been over thirty years.

He'd take his time, get used to the public face of their relationship, love every second of their private relationship, and, when the time was right, give Johnny a ring.

"We going?" Johnny asked. "Or you gonna stare at my hand all day?"

"Your hands are so nice; they're distracting," Daniel said quickly. He said his goodbyes to Sheila. Finally, time to head home.

As they exited, Louie was on his way in with the slower-moving Sid. Louie did that thing he does where he talked loud and fast, going over the warranty on the vehicle, not giving Sid a chance to speak. He reminded Daniel of those commercials for the lottery, where someone swiftly read the disclaimers, or the list of possible side effects of medication.

"Hey!" Sid bellowed as Daniel and Johnny walked past. "Have fun being a trophy wife! Your mother made a good one, aside from leaving me with her brat."

Now Johnny was the one who started to turn, fists raised. Daniel grabbed his shoulder and propelled him toward the car.

"You don't bring people's mothers into things!" Louie's startled voice sounded behind them.

"I hope his car breaks down," Daniel muttered. But he knew it wouldn't. What could possibly go wrong with a brand new SUV?

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