Episode Twenty-One

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Johnny sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Parked in front of Daniel's house, he was still rubbing sleep from his eyes. He had wanted to wash his face in the river this morning, but the idea of meeting Matt again changed his mind. He'd used the restroom at a gas station, then drove immediately here. Okay. I can do this. It's just Danielle. He said he would never judge me. His little pep talk wasn't working. To him, walking up to Daniel's house right now was going to feel a lot like walking up to Sid's and asking for help. It made him burn with shame.

It was after eight, the kids would be in school. And yet, both cars were still in the driveway. He approached the house but nerves got the best of him. Maybe he would just check their recycling container, see if he could find an old milk jug, and go fill it up at a park water fountain or something. Come back later.

Heading to the side of the house instead, Johnny heard raised voices coming from the back. An argument? Unable to stop himself, he let his curiosity win out and snuck close to the gate of the wooden fence surrounding their backyard. From here, he could hear clearly even though he couldn't see.

"Amanda, I'm trying my best, I really am," Daniel's voice rang out.

"I know you are. I see it. But this isn't just about the dojo or the dealership. You see that, right?" Amanda sounded close to tears which had Johnny shifting his feet. Weepy women had always made him uncomfortable but he liked Amanda, respected her. She had always been the voice of reason and now she was about to cry.

"I'm just not sure how to fix this. What can I do?" Daniel was pleading with her.

"The spark is gone. We barely speak to each other except to argue. You don't act like you find me attractive anymore. When is the last time we had sex? Do you even know? I do: almost two months ago. Even then it was a sad attempt. What are we even doing here, Daniel?"

"I, I don't know." The defeat in his voice had even Johnny's heart aching for him. "I feel like something has changed and no matter what I do I can't change it back."

"Or maybe nothing changed. Maybe you're finally realizing who you are and what you want. And what you don't want."

"I don't want this to end," Daniel said quickly.

"I think it already has. We just weren't paying attention." There was the sound of heels clicking on concrete and before Johnny could move, Amanda opened the gate beside him, the swinging door nearly hitting him. She didn't notice him standing there, but he saw her tear-streaked face before she got into her car and drove off.

"Fuck." Daniel groaned.

Johnny, thoroughly embarrassed now because this was not the fun and games he thought it would be, stepped around the gate to find Daniel. He was wiping his damp cheeks with the back of one hand. His eyes went wide at the sight of Johnny standing there in a red Eagle Fang T-shirt and worn-out jeans. The despair written on his face quickly turned to anger.

"What the hell are you doing here? Why are you spying on me?"

"I wasn't spying. I came by to talk to you and heard you guys..."

"Great! Well, go ahead! Have your laugh! My marriage is ending. This must be so funny to you." Daniel was throwing his arms in the air, getting even more worked up. Johnny stood there dumbly for a minute. He didn't want this. He didn't want to kick Daniel when he was down. That would be beyond fucked up. Didn't Daniel think he was at least a little better than that? But had he really done anything to earn Daniel's trust, except try not to pick fights? Hell, Daniel had been with Johnny at one of his lowest moments.

"Hey, man. Look, I, uh, I'm sorry about Amanda. Seriously. I thought you guys were like one of those powter couples or whatever. You always seemed so happy."

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