Episode Eight

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The groups were paired. Johnny could tell Regina was surprised she wasn't paired with Sam. Johnny didn't know why Daniel didn't just pair the chicks together. Instead, Sam was with Hawk. Miguel was with Bert, the smallest and youngest of the students. And Regina had been put with Chris, who hadn't said one word since it was announced. Maybe the kid was shy or something, but Regina did not look happy about it. Demetri was paired with Mitch, a huge ex-Cobra Kai that Johnny had to stop calling names (Thanks, Daniel.) The few left he didn't know and really didn't care to learn at this point. He had made some progress, learned some names, but his head was starting to ache, so he'd worry about the rest later.

Daniel stood on one of the split logs surrounding the extinguished campfire, ready to give a speech. Johnny swaggered to his side; he was co-sensei, after all. Time to show that united front crap.

"We're going to start our day with a Trust Walk. What is a Trust Walk?" Daniel asked, even though no one had asked. "You've been put into pairs, someone who maybe you're not friends with." Wow, how could he talk as if this weren't deliberate? "One of you is going to wear the blindfold. It's why each pair has been given one. The other is going to guide them to the top of a waterfall. You can't touch your partner, only tell them what to do. The first team to make it wins. But even if you don't win, focus on making it there.

"I get it. Some of us are ex-Cobra Kai. Me, too. So is Johnny. And most of you know that Johnny and I don't always get along. So, Johnny and I are going to be working together. Follow our lead." Daniel tied a blindfold around his own eyes, spent a few seconds adjusting it, and beckoned Johnny with a crooked finger. Even though Daniel had given him the rundown a few minutes ago, he still wasn't comfortable with having to work with him alone.

Johnny cleared his throat. "Okay, uh, walk straight for a few steps."

Daniel put his hands out and stepped forward slowly. Still doesn't trust me. The little shit. Guess I need to knock some sense into him.

"Yeah, just keep going. You can move faster."

"He looks ridiculous. I don't want to do this," Regina grumbled.

"It's not so bad, kids. You just have to trust your part- ow!" Daniel walked face-first into a tree trunk. The kids busted out laughing, even June trying to cover up a giggle. Daniel ripped the blindfold off and glared daggers at Johnny. "What the hell, man?"

"It was just a joke," Johnny said, chuckling.

"Yeah, well, now we can establish a new rule. For this exercise, your team only wins if both members make it to the designated spot uninjured." He narrowed his eyes at Johnny, but there was a gleam in those dark orbs. Did he finally lighten up a little? He had to admit that it was funny.

"Alright, guys. Now, Johnny and I will go ahead. Halfway there, you will find a few trees with yellow ribbons tied around them. This is where you switch places. Trust goes both ways and all that."

"Can't we do something more, I don't know, dangerous? This is not the kind of training in the woods I was expecting," Hawk complained.

Daniel held a palm outward. "Hey, baby steps. Remember, we can't kick butt if we can't have each other's backs. This might seem boring or silly, but it is important. Okay, everyone have their blindfolds and extra water?"

The kids nodded and mumbled an affirmative. Daniel clapped his hands together and gave a dazzling smile. He obviously loved these lessons.

"Let's go!"

* * * * *

Ten minutes had gone by and Johnny managed to avoid letting Daniel hit any more trees. The kids were behind them, some moving slower than others so each team was spaced out. None of the teams were allowed to help other teams. June had stayed back at camp to prepare something for dinner, he had no idea what. Johnny had thought to bring whistles for the kids to wear, just in case there was something wrong. It had impressed Daniel when he whipped them out of his tent and handed them out. He may be irresponsible sometimes, but he did care about the kids' safety. They at least had that in common.

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