Episode Fourteen

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Johnny had been grateful for the medium rare prime rib. The LaRussos lived well, didn't they? But as much as he enjoyed his delicious meal, it had been soured by the thought that Daniel was probably grinning inside at how well he was taking care of Johnny.

"What are you doing?" Johnny asked as Daniel maneuvered the pillows behind his back. They were the soft, rich people kind; Johnny'd had ones like that when he was a kid. Back in Sid's house.

"Getting you comfortable," Daniel said.

Johnny sighed and closed his eyes. He was exhausted and his head still hurt. Miguel had eaten in the spare room with them, asking Johnny at least ten times how he was feeling. Why were they all so worried about him? It was annoying, but, he had to admit, he felt safe. It was kind of nice knowing that people actually worried. Though Danielle's worry probably just stemmed from guilt, since he somehow blamed himself. Johnny couldn't decide if he legit felt guilty or if he was trying to show off what a great guy he was. He honestly hoped for the latter.

Daniel's chest, concealed in silk pajamas similar to Johnny's, but in black, brushed against his shoulder as he fiddled with the pillows. Why did pillows require this much attention? More importantly, why had Johnny been given the sunflower pajamas instead of the black ones?

Daniel smelled of sweat and trees still. Hadn't he taken a shower? When would he have? At the hospital? Daniel had been glued to Johnny. He even rushed back after going to the bathroom.

Johnny reached for the remote to distract himself. The flat-screen snapped on with a familiar jingle wishing the viewers a Happy Honda Days. Daniel, Amanda, Sam, and the kid all mugged for the camera in their holiday best. Such a perfect family.

Daniel lunged for the remote and tried to pull it from Johnny's hand.

"What the hell, Danielle?" Johnny asked, trying to hold the remote out of reach on his right side.

"The commercial...I thought..." Daniel stammered, looking at the TV in panic as the commercial showed he and Sam splitting Yule logs.

"Leave it," Johnny said. He didn't mind these damned commercials, even if it was another reminder of how perfect the LaRussos were. It was one of these that had woken him from his nightmare. "I wanna see your new comm—"

Daniel landed on his stomach atop Johnny's lap. Of course Danielle still had washboard abs. He spent a second appreciating the feel of Daniel's body on his before giving himself a mental shake. "What the hell, man?"

Daniel was backpedaling away, his face bright red. "Sorry, stupid bedroom shoe got caught on the foot of the bed." He was clearly embarrassed, though it had taken him a moment to scramble away. Why had he wanted to change the channel so badly? Maybe he didn't want Johnny to see his commercial? Why?

"Um, do you need anything else?" Daniel wouldn't meet his eyes now. Why was he so awkward?

"Yeah. Tell me what I said about my coma when I was out of-"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Daniel interrupted. "I was digging through my garage before the trip and found something." He rushed from the room like there was a fire. What the hell? Why was he avoiding the topic?

Meanwhile, the commercial showed the four LaRussos, each proudly displaying a bonsai tree decorated for Christmas. Something clicked in Johnny's mind. Had he told Daniel that his commercial is what woke him from his coma? It would explain a lot. Damn, what else did I tell him? Why doesn't he want to talk about it? Did I say something embarrassing?

Daniel popped back in the room, a huge smile on his face as both hands hid something behind his back.

"Danielle, cut the shit. You're no good at lying, even though you're a car salesman. I don't care about what's behind your back right now. Tell me, or I'm leaving." Since Daniel seemed to want him to be here so badly, Johnny thought this the best course. Maybe Danielle just wanted to see if he'd do anything else embarrassing?

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