Episode Sixty-One

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Johnny gazed at the faces of the Miyagi-Do students. Most looked scared or unsure. Robby's expression was stony; he'd decided to attend tonight, even though he wasn't part of their dojo. But what else did Robby have to do? Where would he go?

Sam's face was a mask of fury, her hands clenched into fists. He couldn't blame her; he felt the same. But he couldn't risk endangering them or Daniel further.

Regina, however, looked contemplative with a tiny smirk.

"This means no fighting them, and no prom decorations and tampons in their dojo!" Johnny barked. Shit, he may as well address this directly. "Regina, you have something to share with the rest of us?"

"Oh?" She blinked innocently. "I was thinking we ought to have a real karate prom. I won't be going to my school's this year. So, I spoke to Mom about the idea, and Kendra's mom owns a restaurant. We could have it there, and invite all the dojos but Cobra Kai. We could have it right after the All Valley. Even if they win, they're still rejects."

That...seemed harmless enough, and just the kind of thing he'd expect from Regina.

Johnny still felt a vague sense of unease as he stepped back and ceded the floor to Daniel. Maybe the cause was Robby's presence. How long could he stay with Sophie and Julie before Johnny would have to take some responsibility?

Daniel's bruising was mostly gone by now, his nose still bandaged. His gait was still stiff, his ribs not yet healed. He delivered the closing remarks, advising the students to return home or remain to practice.

Blane raised his hand as Daniel finished. "So, Sensei Lawrence is just going to leave us? Go to Cobra Kai? None of this is okay. Are we supposed to trust someone who'd just turn his back on us?" That statement halted the exodus of the students heading toward the gate.

"Hey, I wasn't happy either," Daniel said. "But I see why he did it. Because he doesn't want to see any of you hurt."

"Or you," Johnny muttered.

"Hold up!" Sophie didn't even raise her hand. "Not saying I don't trust Sensei Lawrence. I do, but we pour our hearts into this dojo. It's something we love. A lot of that's because of our sensei. We're here because he brought us in. I agree with Blane. This is some selfish martyr crap."

"No, you hold up," Sam argued. "Johnny just saw his...boyfriend nearly beaten to death." She glanced in Johnny's direction. "He's not supposed to be scared? That could've been any of us. And it was my dad. I'd have made a deal with Kreese, too. Can we not fight amongst ourselves and just focus on winning?"

Thanks, Sam, Johnny thought. Maybe she was warming up to him after all.

"None of us want that pressure, Sam," Blane said. "For some of us, pressure doesn't work. I can function with it. I like it. But others crumble."

"So you get strong!" Johnny said. "So strong you don't even need to think."

"It isn't just about strength," Daniel piped up. "We are a family. Johnny doesn't want to go, of course. We don't want him to go. We have what they can never have: real loyalty. We care about each other. We support each other. That unity will always make us stronger but we have something to fight for that is far more important than a trophy. Win or lose, Miyagi-Do isn't going anywhere. But we are fighting for our family. We focus on that and we can't lose. We can do this. I believe in you guys. I have faith that we can come together and defeat any enemy that comes for us."

"With what? The power of love? Is this a Care Bears episode?" Regina said. How did Regina even know that reference?

"More like My Little Pony. The power of friendship!" Hawk cried sarcastically.

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