Episode Twenty-Five

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Johnny worked on kicks with the Miyagi-Do students. He had each taking turns attacking a sandbag. This was the perfect distraction right now. And, he could run the class his way until Daniel showed.

Now he was the one delivering sage advice. "Remember, kids, kicks get chicks!"

"Hard disagree," Regina said.

"Hey, it worked for me when I was young," Johnny said. Why were some of the students so contrary?

"I Googled you. You had a lot more going for you than kicks," Regina said.

Johnny cleared his throat. Well, that was certainly true but, "People gravitate to strong, confident people. The ones who are not only badass, but can help others. And being well disciplined will certainly help you as an adult."

Regina snorted and rolled her eyes but he ignored her. Why was this kid so annoying sometimes?

"Sensei, do kicks get guys?" Kendra asked with a laugh.

Johnny bit his tongue before he made a comment about getting kicked by Danielle. That would lead to uncomfortable discussions. "Yeah, kicks get dudes. But that doesn't rhyme."

"Throws get bros," Kendra called, launching a right hook at her sandbag.

Johnny chuckled. Okay, that was pretty good.

He turned his attention toward Blane, who, despite being new, had very good balance and was picking up quickly. Johnny would've gotten his ass kicked if he had purple hair and wore powder blue track pants as a teenager.

"Nice work," Johnny said. "You done this before?"

"Nah. Just yoga with my mom," Blane said with a grin. "She started me with baby yoga before I could walk."

Baby yoga? The fuck is that? What a weird world. "What brought you here?" He waited to hear the familiar bullying story.

"Wanted something more advanced," Blane said, sending a powerful kick into the sandbag that had it shaking.

Well, he didn't want Blane getting bored. He quietly leaned over Blane's shoulder and shouted, "Faster! C'mon! Give me that speed. Speed! Speed! Speed!"

"Should he be yelling that right now?" Demetri asked.

What was that supposed to mean?

Blane laughed as he kicked the bag as hard and as fast as he could. Sweat dripped on his brow. This kid had a great attitude. A lot of kids got scared of a challenge. Blane was meeting it head on. This student had promise.

"C'mon, keep up that form, too!" Johnny urged.

* * * * *

Johnny was definitely here, shouting like he was running boot camp rather than a dojo. But he hadn't taken off and abandoned his responsibilities. That was a relief. Then again...

"He better not be taking out his anger on the kids," Daniel muttered to Sam. He moved into a sprint and Sam followed on his heels.

He opened the door to see Johnny leaning over an easy and predictable target - Blane - and bellowing "Faster!" in his ear.

"Johnny!" Daniel shouted.

Johnny and Blane spun around to face Daniel. The entire class froze at his yelling. Blane was grinning. "Oh, hey, Sensei LaRusso."

Oh. The dojo was fine. No one was injured. Every student seemed perfectly fine. Except now everyone was staring at him like he had lost his mind. Maybe Johnny had wanted Daniel's help moving? Maybe there was no emergency? But then why would Miguel have texted so frantically?

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