Episode Five

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The ink-dark fringes of treetops crowded the star-filled sky. Flames licked the dried wood and melted the marshmallows held on sticks. The hike to the camping spot Daniel had picked out beforehand was tedious, but none had complained. Even the new girl kept up without a problem. Apparently, she used to be a cheerleader so she wasn't new to working out.

Johnny felt a surge of annoyance as June George rested her head on his shoulder while Hawk started to tell a ghost story. Why was June, perfect June, trying to get close to him? Usually, he would be all about that, but not here, with the kids.

"...built a scarecrow," Hawk said, leaning close to the fire. He wiggled his eyebrows, eliciting chuckles from some of the group.

"Hold up, freak-hair." Regina raised her hand. "Where is the cabin? Where is the restroom? These tents are set up around a bonfire, like we're gonna sleep outside or something."

"Because we are," Daniel said. Wait for it, Johnny thought. As if on cue, Daniel stood up to address everyone. Johnny rolled his eyes. Time for a feel-good speech. So predictable.

"We're out here this weekend not just to get back to nature, but to get back to ourselves. Most of us have been through a lot this past year, and some of us have been coping better than others." His eyes locked on Sam, Miguel, Hawk, and Demetrius in turns. "But sometimes, the best way to find yourself and realize who you truly are, and what you want out of life, is to turn and look at your friends. Who we choose to let into our lives, who we bond with, is a reflection of ourselves. I want all of us to learn that, even though we are different in many ways, even though some of us used to fight against each other, came from different dojos, came from different walks of life, different households, that we actually have much more in common than we think. If we can remember that, it's a start. If we can look at the person beside us and truly see them, we can begin to build trust. In the tournament, it is one-on-one matches. But in life, you can't take on everything alone. We aren't solitary creatures! Humans are meant to be social, to create real bonds with others. This weekend is the first step to all of us individuals becoming a family."

There were some nods from the kids and a moment of silence as Daniel sat down and everyone digested this. Okay, even Johnny had to admit that as far as speeches went, that wasn't total crap. Daniel caught his eye and gave him a smile. Johnny nodded back. Not bad, Danielle.

"Okay, but that doesn't change the fact that I have to go pee in the woods," Regina commented.

"Watch out for poison ivy," Hawk snickered. Even Miguel couldn't help chuckling. Regina stood and glared at him but Sam popped up.

"I'll go with you if you don't want to be alone."

Regina rolled her eyes. "Fine. Good thing I brought hand sanitizer." The two disappeared into the dark. The fire popped as some of the boys stretched and made their way to their own tents. Others loaded more marshmallows on sticks.

"Well, I'm going to turn in," June said. She slowly pulled away from Johnny, her eyes batting flirtatiously. "By the way," she whispered, "my husband and I are separated. Regina has her own tent, so I'll be in mine all by my lonesome."

Shit, woman, desperate much? Johnny thought, but he said nothing and gave her a tiny nod as she unzipped her tent and crept inside. He couldn't help shaking his head once the tent zipped closed.

Daniel chose that moment to move over beside him. "I think we'll all be turning in soon. I had a few ideas of where we can hike tomorrow and some group activities we can do. Did you have anything in mind?"

"You're actually consulting me now? This whole thing was your idea, not mine." Johnny tried to stoke an argument, just for shits and giggles, but his heart wasn't in it. Maybe it was the peaceful quiet of the woods. Maybe it was the way the kids seemed much happier tonight. Hell, maybe it was Danielle's little speech, he didn't know, but he felt less on edge here. Like putting distance between himself and all his problems like Kreese, bills, and the tournament had lessened their sense of urgency. He could breathe easy here, and it was thanks to Daniel. Would he ever dare admit such a thing out loud, though?

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