Episode Fifty-Seven

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School nights and school days would give them some guaranteed quiet hours at the dojo, or so Johnny had thought. However, that did not account for students' parents.

Johnny looked for any surface that was left free of flowers and could find none. There were vases of all shapes and styles, spilling blooms in pinks, yellows, whites, purples, and every other color.

"Just what in the hell am I supposed to do with these?"

The fridge was full of food; snacks, casseroles, and more filling each shelf. Cabinets had been stuffed with other goodies brought for the ailing teacher. Amanda had been right: they didn't need to do any grocery shopping for a while.

Blane showed up before school, much to Johnny's surprise. After handing Johnny a container of brownies he had baked, he stood there removing his shoes and dropping his bookbag while Johnny merely watched him. He didn't know the boy well, only that Blane might be dating Chris and that he was an excellent student at the dojo. Always alert and attentive, always ready for a challenge.

"Is he still sleeping?" Blane asked.

Johnny nodded. "His pain pills make him kinda groggy in the morning. He won't be up for another hour. Whatcha need, kid? Just seeing how he's doing?"

"Well, yeah, but I also wanted to check on you. How are you doing?"

Johnny blinked at him. Blane had recently redyed his hair, keeping his purple roots but adding hot pink to the tips. He resembled one of those characters from Japanese cartoons. Motioning for them to sit on the couch, Johnny didn't lean back and relax but instead rested his elbows on his knees. "Why worry about me?"

Blane shrugged. "You looked really scared that night. I don't think anyone has ever seen you like that. Scared the hell out of Miguel." Blane tilted his head, studying him, his dark eyes inquisitive. "Are you guys dating now?"

"I, uh, I guess that's what you'd call it. Not that it's any of your business." Johnny tried to adapt a stern tone but his heart wasn't in it. "I don't know how this works with a dude."

Blane shrugged again. "It's not much different, I guess. I knew I was gay long before I met Chris. But I guess, for you, going so long with that one mindset, it's hard to change."

"Yeah." Johnny rubbed his hair, nervous about having this conversation with a kid he barely knew. Nervous having the conversation at all, to be honest. "So, are you in love with Chris or something?"

Blane gave a chuckle. "Too early for that kind of thing. We're just starting. But, you know, if you think you love Sensei LaRusso, you shouldn't run away from it. I know your type. My mom has dated plenty of 'macho guys' who are afraid of showing emotion and stuff. And she left them because who needs that kind of crap? If you care about someone, you should tell them. What's there to be afraid of?"

Rejection, Johnny thought, but he didn't say it. Was that really all he feared? Was that the only reason he didn't try to think too deeply on his feelings for Daniel? Or was there something else?

"I think you guys are going to be okay," Blane said, standing. He flashed Johnny a smile and Johnny couldn't help returning it. Was he seriously getting relationship advice from a high schooler?

"I better get to school. Enjoy the brownies!"

Johnny was left with more food to eat and more food for thought.

* * * * *

Tomorrow, Daniel had a dentist appointment but today, Johnny had plans of his own. He told Daniel that he needed to run an errand as he dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. Placing a quick kiss on his forehead, unable to meet his eyes, Johnny left Daniel with his phone nearby in case of an emergency.

The anger rose to the surface again as he drove, making his hands grip the steering wheel. Good, I'll need it. Parking Daniel's car at the shitty lot, Johnny took a deep breath.

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