Episode Eighteen

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Kreese puffed a cigar at his desk while reviewing video footage of Daniel's and Johnny's old fights. That union wasn't going to last. It'd be nothing for Kreese to ruin their lives. His recruitment wasn't going badly at all. He didn't need to recruit more, but he'd wanted that blonde girl; he could recognize cold cruelty when he saw it. A snake wrapped in a pretty package would've been great against those Miyagi snowflakes.

The phone on his desk rang.

"Hello?" asked a feminine voice.

"Cobra Kai, Kreese speaking."

"Hi! I'm calling because I wanna enroll my son," said the woman. "My name's Gretchen."

"What's your son's name?" he asked.

"Er...Glen Coco," she replied.

"Can you two stop in?" Kreese asked, ashing his cigar.

"Ugh. I could, but like, I'm in Cabo right now," she continued. "But Glen has a difficult time getting along with others. I swear this kid has gotten in so many fights. He's like the biggest douche."

"Troublemaker then?" Kreese asked.

"Yeah, he murdered some other kid, but didn't actually kill him?" Gretchen said. Was she drunk? This had to be some rich mom calling after one too many margaritas. But a kid who liked to fight with parental issues? Excellent. Could be another Johnny. "Just like, could you get me a class schedule? Your website doesn't have it, just some videos of poor people fighting."

Kreese was tempted to hang up, but this kid could be promising. He already suspected the kids' parents' money had gotten him out of trouble.

"Yeah, I'll read it off to you," Kreese said.

"Aww, you're so sweet," she cooed. "I'll be back from Cabo in a week. I hear you're like really old. I like old dudes, if they have good bodies. And you have kind of a nice voice. I'm thirty seven by the way, but like, a young, hot thirty-seven."

Huh. Okay, this mom was definitely drunk. "Well, stop by with your son then."

"Sure. Um—"

"Yo, bitch, we're going to the bar!" someone shouted in the background.

"Just a sec!" Gretchen called. "Gotta go! But you'll hear from me soon."

* * * * *

The students had been working hard throughout the afternoon. Johnny and Daniel walked through their ranks, commenting on techniques and stances and gave recommendations for improvements.

"Hey," Demetri said, when Daniel approached him and Blane. "Why aren't you and Johnny sparring? You're making us pair up again."

"Because Johnny has a head injury," Daniel said, glancing to where Johnny spoke with Kendra about hand positioning.

"Yeah, but come on. He'll be fine for a little bit," Demetri said. "You can go easy on him. You two have had a rivalry for twice as long as most of us have been alive, and you're the best fighters here, probably."

"Yeah, let's see how well our instructors do," Kendra said, crossing her arms across her green tank top.

"I can handle it," Johnny said, turning to Daniel. "You think I'm gonna let a head injury keep me down? It'll be good practice if I run into Kreese. I'm not weak."

Oh boy. Johnny's ego had been engaged. Daniel knew it was all but useless to argue with him now. He could go easy on Johnny, catch him if he fell. Was he...was he hoping that would happen? Dammit, part of him wasn't hanging onto that animosity, was it?

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