Episode Eighty-Two

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"I can't hear you!" Mac Morris kept shouting as Regina drove to Miyagi-Do. Mac had climbed in her passenger seat, forcing Robby to sit alone in the back.

The Morrises had arrived before she'd gotten home from school, leaving Regina with just enough time to say a quick hello, pick up Robby, and get to the dojo.

"That's because I'm not saying anything." Regina cranked up the volume.

"I really like this song, too!" Mac leaned over to yell in her ear. "I'm glad we got to listen to it since we left the house!"

Regina had been playing it on repeat, hoping to drown out Mac. Maybe the word "out" was the problem with that sentiment. If only she could just drown him. He was exactly as annoying as she remembered him.

She couldn't reach the Miyagi-Do lot soon enough. Mac followed on her heels as she carried her gym bag and kale smoothie into the building.

"So, are there lots of girls here?" Mac asked. He'd pretty much ignored Robby.

Did he think Miyagi-Do would be full of Plastics?

Mac sighed and leaned against the gate, barring her entrance. Her first thought was to shove him aside, but she stopped herself.

"Don't be too disappointed, Regina. My dad is not going to be much help at all," Mac said, fighting a pout. He lost.

"Why's that?" she asked.

"Here I thought I'd died or turned invisible," Mac said, making no signs of moving. "He just doesn't do much. Not without a lot of coaxing. Buuuuut..." He paused to give her a sly smile.

"No." Regina yanked open the gate, nearly knocking him over. Mac had had a crush on her for as long as she could remember, and he didn't know when to quit.

Everyone else was already there and divided into one group of three and two groups of two. Hawk's eyes locked on Mac and Robby, causing him to take a blow to the stomach from Sam.

Daniel was working with Blane, Sophie, and Miguel.

"He looks like a smaller version of the governor," Johnny said as soon as he spotted Mac. Good old Johnny, blunt and unfiltered as always.

Regina knew Mac well enough to know that the constant comparisons to his father were a sore spot for him, even though they were almost the exact same person.

"Hi, Mac," Daniel said, striding toward him. "We didn't know you'd be joining us today."

"It's not often I get an opportunity to hang out with my second favorite blonde," Mac said.

Regina groaned. Don't ask him who his first favorite is.

"Who's the first?" Nathaniel asked.

Mac gave a cocky shrug and an unapologetic grin. "You're looking at him." He scanned the other students, eyes lingering on Sam. "Where are all the other people? The other girls?"

"You're looking at them," Regina replied, as her friends stared stonily at Mac.

"This is a dojo," Johnny said, taking brisk steps toward them. "It is not a place to pick up chicks." He lapsed into his military man tone.

Mac winced. If he were a cat, his ears would have flattened. Regina pursed her lips to keep from laughing. Probably no one had ever spoken like that to Mac Morris. No one had done it to Regina before she'd come here, except maybe a gym teacher or two.

"But you told us kicks get chicks," Nathaniel protested in a small voice.

"Yes, after you look cool out in public or win a competition or something," Johnny said. "You don't do that here at the dojo."

"I'm just here to watch," Mac muttered. "And hang out with Regina."

"Mac, there's water and juice in the cooler. You can have one and sit on the steps," Daniel said.

When Mac was safely away from her, Regina was grouped up with Sam and Hawk, while Robby was sent to Nathaniel and Chris.

"You're stuck with that guy all weekend?" Hawk said. Regina imagined he was imagining Robby and Mac both desperately trying to impress her and following her around like puppies.

"Yes. I'm trying and failing to be nice," Regina said. "If nails on chalkboard were a person, they'd be Mac."

* * * * *

Practice continued as normal, with Mac thankfully being quiet. Several times, Daniel was sure he was going to speak, but Johnny sent him intermittent warning looks. Johnny had not been in a good mood since Amanda made the fundraising suggestion at the dealership. On the ride home, Johnny had wanted to talk, but not about that. He'd asked if Robby could help at the dealership for a few hours on Saturday. Daniel had agreed, so long as Robby was supervised. Between Johnny, Anoush, and Louie, it shouldn't be a problem. He wanted Johnny to mend the relationship with his son.

At the end of the lesson, Daniel addressed the students about the possibility of making the prom a fundraiser. He carefully avoided any mention of him and Johnny fighting. Until he found out what bothered Johnny about it, it was a no go and not worth mentioning.

"What if we sell some baked goods?" Blane piped up.

"Baked goods! There's an idea," Daniel said.

"Why don't we get people to donate some things to sell?" Regina asked. "I need to clean out my closet and someone would probably want the things that don't fit me."

"Why not just flood the snake people dojo?" Mac suggested, lifting his chin as if this were the best suggestion ever. "Or, one of you could dress up and pretend to be from the Zoning Authority or something? Give them a whole bunch of violations so they have to close for a while? While you're there, plant a whole bunch of termites or bed bugs or both in the place. Then come back and cite them for that. Easy!"

Daniel looked quizzically at the boy. "We are not doing any of that. Who would do a thing like that?"

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