Episode Thirty-Six

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Daniel faced his students with a smile. "Tonight, I've invited a guest who's helped Sensei Lawrence overcome difficult odds. Your greatest battle is always with yourself and the roadblocks you put in your own way. Maybe it's pride. Maybe it's insecurity. But, Johnny's been, well, Johnny's really come through for me lately." Daniel smiled at Johnny, who just stared back at him in confusion.

"What?" Johnny mouthed.

Poor Johnny; he probably didn't think Daniel would pay this much attention. "Johnny is now Miyagi-Do's first full-time sensei, and it's all because of the help of one man. If he can help Johnny, he can help you. Without further ado, here is motivational speaker Matt Foley!"

Daniel turned to smile at Johnny but the blonde had paled. His eyes widened and he gave Daniel a look that was so cold he felt his heart clench. There was murder in those blue eyes. Why? If this guy were taking advantage of Johnny's confusion, his vulnerability, Daniel would kick his ass. But maybe Johnny was embarrassed that Daniel knew about the motivational speaker.

The students applauded as the round-bodied man in a purple and green gingham sport coat strode through the gate, a wild look behind his horn-rimmed glasses.

"Hey, Mee-Agee-Doo, kids! I'm Matt Fo—" He stopped halfway up the stairs onto the back porch that doubled as a stage for Daniel and Johnny when they addressed the class. He spread his arms wide and smiled at Johnny. "Neighbor!"

Daniel could hear Johnny inhale through his nose, his teeth clenched. He said nothing, as if trying to speak one word would have him exploding in rage.

"Johnny is my neighbor. We both have shit lives, because of bad decisions. I don't know what Johnny did, but I'm thirty-five years old. I have been divorced three times!" He held up a hand displaying three fingers. Matt kept adjusting his pants, as if they didn't fit.

Daniel gave Johnny a confused brow. This guy had helped him? But Johnny wouldn't look at either of them. In fact, he was staring at the sky, his fists clenched at his sides, as if asking for help from God.

Matt Foley pointed at Demetri. "You! What do you want to be?"

"A...molecular biologist who's kind of badass?" Demetri said, as Hawk moved closer.

"A molecular biologist," Matt Foley parroted, leaning forward with his hands on his hips. "No one's gonna remember all those equations and formulas. Try telemarketer instead!" His finger swung around to point at Johnny. "What did you want to be?"

"All Valley Champion for three years in a row," Bert said, before Johnny could answer. Not that Johnny was going to. He was shaking his head with disgust. Daniel had a bad feeling that he had messed up. This was definitely not going like he thought it would.

"Set your goals realistically," Foley shouted. "What is All-Valley? It doesn't matter. Set unrealistic goals, and you end up in a van down by the river. Or shacking up with a car salesman. Seriously, Johnny, what the fuck? You left our vans, our river, for this guy?"

The kids were glancing at each other, confused. Hawk was chuckling to Demetri, Sophie shaking her head. Johnny seemed like a bomb ready to go off. His face was so red he could put a tomato to shame.

"You made living in a van down by the river seem brave, majestic even." Matt turned his gaze upward and sighed wistfully. "Like the noble crane."

"Um, you were supposed to be speaking to the kids," Daniel said. He had no idea what he had unleashed here. What kind of motivational speaker was this? Was his Facebook profile not a joke? Did he, did he really live in a van? And Johnny had been his neighbor?

"But now I'm speaking with my heart!" Matt Foley shouted, making most of them jump with sheer volume alone. "Johnny Lawrence, you made my life seem relevant. Made me realize that when life hits a low point, like you can't go any lower, life sends you a regal blonde, who has hit a lower point than even me! Living in a van down by the river is amazing - justifies my three divorces, whiskey addiction, and every other bad decision I made on the road of life. Sometimes, things can seem so wrong and yet be so right."

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