Episode Seventy-Seven

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The sky poured rain that evening as the students gathered in the interior of Miyagi-Do. Regina found a place in the back of the room. Robby was on the opposite side, in his own corner, ever the lone wolf.

Others were already chatting about what had happened to LaRusso Auto Group, and Regina and Robby had already spoken about that extensively. She was content to avoid that conversation. There were far fewer students than ever tonight. Blane, Sophie, Miguel, Chris, and Nathaniel were gathered around Sam. Regina would call her to express concerns tomorrow, or maybe surprise Sam with a good lunch at her school. Sam was probably tired of talking about the latest attack.

She'd covered her bruised cheek with concealer and foundation again, though it had almost healed by now. She had the strange advantage of being surprisingly sturdy. Robby had no such luck and still sported a purple mark on his left eye from last night. He'd also refused her offer of masking it with makeup.

"Hey, Reg." Hawk appeared in front of her.

"Oh, hey," she murmured. "Where's Demetri?" It was odd to see him without his counterpart.

"He...." Hawk glanced at his bare feet, then back at Regina's face. "He isn't coming."

"Why not?"

"His family was angry about the broken arm. Then there was the attack on Daniel. And after this one? I think he's just blaming his parents, because he's afraid."

"I mean, who wouldn't be?" Regina asked. "There's been a near murder and a business nearly ruined. Kreese is unstable and no one is doing anything."

Hawk's eyes narrowed and he took a long look at her. "I thought you'd have bailed, too."

Regina wiggled her nose. "This nose smells drama. I don't want to leave when things get interesting." She lowered her voice. "And you know, I like it here."

"It's just, you seem really distant lately, Reg."

Hawk was so blatantly jealous. Regina bit back a smirk. "It's been a lot to take in. At first, this was all funny, ridiculous even. Kreese's crazed obsession with the All Valley? But this goes way beyond that. He wants to destroy Daniel and Johnny."

"How isn't your mom pulling you out?" Hawk raised a brow, but he tapped his fingers on his crossed arms, a habit of his when he was worried.

"I think she's relieved to learn I'm capable of caring about something and other people."

Johnny's voice cut through the chatter. "Quiet!"

As predicted, he and Daniel addressed the centipede incident and assured the students that they could continue their training here, that Miyagi-Do would keep its doors open.

"We understand if some of you are afraid to be here," Johnny said. "We want to promise that you're safe. The truce is still in effect, but only covers fighting. Who knows what else they could be scheming besides messing with the dealership."

The dads, as she called them, both looked exhausted. They should be lying in bed rather than teaching, Regina thought.

"But stay in pairs if you're out, just in case," Daniel added. "And, like Johnny said, there's no shame in leaving if you're afraid."

"Fuck that," Hawk said. "Those of us who are still here, all nine of us, we're not going anywhere."

Most of the remaining students chimed in to agree with him. Those who didn't were Sam, Robby, and Regina. Regina doubted either of the other two would leave, but like her, probably didn't feel much like cheering.

"Any questions?" Johnny asked over the din.

Robby raised his hand and stepped from the corner into the light.

"What happened to your face?" Johnny demanded. "Who'd you get in a fight with?" He was suddenly worked up; his hands clenching into fists, his eyes widening.

Aw, he does care about his baby boy, Regina thought.

"It wasn't a fight. I was sparring with Regina," Robby replied, and quickly added, "I got a letter. It says I can't compete in the All Valley because my 'questionable history' isn't up to their standards."

"That's such bullshit," Johnny said, several students echoing the sentiment.

"Can't we remind them of Tory's?" Sam asked loudly.

Daniel's brow creased and he sighed. "We should be the better people." The words sounded forced.

"That's what pussies who can't win fights say," Johnny snapped. "We've taken enough hits. Here's one that isn't going to get us locked up."

"He has a point," Regina couldn't help but add. "There is nothing morally wrong about pointing out that someone on the Cobra Kai team has a 'questionable history' too. I mean, why not? That bitch fights dirty. You really think she'll play fair at the tournament?"

"Good point," Hawk added.

Sam was being quieter than usual, her gaze mostly on her phone. Regina sidled up to her to see why she wasn't chiming in. Sam grimaced at her. "Kendra isn't coming back. She said she drew the line at centipedes." As the dads argued back and forth, Regina scanned over Sam's text messages with Kendra. Sure enough, she wasn't planning on showing her face at any karate dojo any time soon.

* * * * *

"Johnny, no one wants to strike back at them more than me," Daniel said in a whisper. "And did you have to call me a pussy in front of the students? Was that necessary?"

The fire fled from Johnny's eyes and his shoulders slumped. "I'm so tired of watching you get hurt," he admitted. "And I can't do a damned thing about it." His hands balled into fists. "Fuck, I feel so helpless."

Daniel's hurt was replaced by the need to comfort Johnny, except they had nine students awaiting their instructions. At least the students were talking among themselves now. "You don't know how hard it was for me to say no to disqualifying Tory."

"I know. Sometimes you're really obvious," Johnny said. "I was trying to goad you." He wiped his hand over his face and shook his head. "You're the last person I want to hurt, Danny."

"Do you want to know why I don't want to disqualify Tory?" Daniel asked, fighting the urge to hug Johnny. "I don't want them to retaliate again. We can't burn down their dojo or plant tarantulas there. We won't start hiring clowns to kidnap them or send our kids to attack them at a park. Because they're going to come back at a level we won't match, and hurt us again.

"I don't want to think about what Kreese would do if he had you, especially not with Silver there. He knows you're my lover. He wouldn't be able to stand you coming home to me every night, and I'm worried he might not let you. You came back to me after over thirty years."

Johnny's eyes shone with nothing but love for Daniel. He managed a smile and nudged Daniel's shoulder. "It was your daughter's friend's shitty driving that brought me to you."

"Yeah, and someone drew a dick on my face and left Cobra Kai fliers on the billboard afterward. You wanted me to come find you." Daniel grinned at him. It really all made so much sense now; neither could have left the other alone.

"So what?" Johnny challenged with a raised brow.

"Okay, don't look at me that way until after class," Daniel said; he wanted to kiss that proud face.

"Later," Johnny promised, before turning to face the students. He clapped his hands to command silence. "First, I should not have called Daniel a pussy. The guy kicked my ass in the past. I spoke out of anger, and it came out wrong."

Was Johnny apologizing to him in front of the class? Daniel never thought he'd see the day.

"I think we're all angry right now," Daniel said, stepping to stand beside Johnny. "But, we aren't going to retaliate. We're going to use our anger to prepare for the All Valley."

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