Episode Eighty-One

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"You think this is a good idea?" Amanda asked as she turned on the flatscreen in Daniel's office.

Daniel sat on the black couch, Johnny at his side. Anoush stood with his cup of coffee, while Louie sat in a figure-four position opposite the couple.

"It's better to know what they're saying," Daniel said. "Our students will tell us anyway."

The interview had already begun when Amanda flipped to the local station. Kreese sat in a gray armchair opposite Gale Riley, better known as Gale Weathers, famous for covering a series of brutal murders in the 1990's. Her shoulder-length brown hair was perfectly coiffed to frame her face above a mustard-colored blazer.

"I can only take in so many students," Kreese said. "So I take in the ones who are struggling the most, who need a strong parental figure. I learned a lot about strength in the military. It's probably why I received the Purple Heart, and I consider it an honor to pass on that strength to youngsters who need it in today's world, and really empower them."

"What a dick," Johnny muttered.

"There really are a lot of children who are just needing that support," Gale said. "I know when I was covering the Ghostface murders in the 90's, a lot of those kids - and they are kids - really needed that support. That kind of parental support and guidance, because parents have a lot with the responsibilities of work and paying bills. They might feel bad bothering their parents. But, you're in a unique position as an instructor who's paid to be there and give them you're undivided attention. And sometimes that can be a lot, to be there for all these students."

"It really is." Kreese nodded. "But I wouldn't change a thing. I was alone as a teen. My mother committed suicide, and I just wanted to latch onto someone. A girl? A mentor? Just someone. But it's important to latch onto the right people. I try to be that right person. And all my students are special to me."

"Johnny Lawrence, the boyfriend of Daniel LaRusso was one of your former students, wasn't he?" Gale asked with a soft smile. She even reached across and patted Kreese's hand.

An image appeared on the screen behind Gale and Kreese, showing Johnny with his arm around Daniel, leading him through the throng of press.

"That's right. One of my favorite students. The favorite student. Like any father-son relationship, we've had our share of difficulty. I've seen war, but sometimes, it can't compare to the war between a father and son. That...that kind of thing can hit in a way bullets can't. I think Johnny had a very natural, if not childish reaction to blame things I didn't do on me." Kreese gave a sad chuckle.

"I think any parent or guardian can relate to what you're saying and deeply so. Even when our children age, they're still ours. We still have falling outs," Gale said. The image changed to one of Daniel and Johnny at the All Valley in 1984.

"Are they really doing this?" Johnny asked.

"You both wanted to watch this," Amanda said.

Daniel wanted to throw Anoush's Garfield mug through the flatscreen.

"What we all want to know is what you have to say about Happy Gilmore's social media post mentioning the 'snake dojo,'" Gale said. "That's obviously your Cobra Key..."

"Cobra Kai," Kreese corrected patiently. "I've heard from a lot of angry fans, blaming me for Gilmore being absent from golf. And Gilmore is a really wonderful golfer. He did a lot for the sport. Hell, he made me a fan. I never knew what a birdie was, but I knew what a good jab was. He brings people together. And for the record, as Barker and that gator know, he has an excellent jab." Kreese mugged for the camera. "Gilmore, you could teach my students a thing or two."

Gale laughed for half a second, then got back on track. "John, what else do you want to say to Gilmore's fans? Or Gilmore himself?"

"I'd want to tell his fans I'm just as sad as they are. But the fact is, those centipedes probably came in with the bonsai trees. Maybe Johnny and Gilmore connected because they're a little rough around the edges, were aimless until someone helped them. It was Chubbs for Gilmore. I was Johnny's Chubbs. Except Chubbs died. Johnny, instead decided to date his Shooter McGavin, Daniel LaRusso. I think these accusations come from an emotional place, not a factual one. And he's messing with another man's marriage to spite me. Amanda LaRusso is absolutely beautiful."

"I'm Shooter McGavin?" Daniel pointed at himself.

"Huh. I agree with at least one thing Kreese said." Amanda scowled. "We need to turn this off."

"If Johnny's watching, is there anything you'd want to say to him?"

"No," Johnny said, holding up a hand. "What else is this bastard gonna say?"

"Well, he'll realize it sooner rather than later that Cobra Kai is his home. And I'll be waiting," Kreese said, staring at the camera, as if talking directly to Johnny. "I taught you everything you know. I'll be here waiting for you to come home."

The television went dark, and Amanda held the remote behind her back. "This was a waste of time."

"That guy is really good at dealing with audiences," Louie said. "Almost had me going. But Daniel's not a wuss like Shooter McGavin."

"Definitely more of a Bob Barker," Anoush said. "Barker actually won that fight."

Louie laughed. "Like Daniel won the All Valley."

"Okay, let's not," Daniel said, holding up a hand. "There's a chance I shouldn't have won that because of—"

"Your fucking crane kick," Johnny finished.

"I shouldn't have gotten a point for it," Daniel admitted.

"It doesn't matter." Johnny rose. "Even though he was over eighteen." Like many of their students, but no one had cared about that rule since 1984. If that were actually enforced, Regina and Hawk would be gone. Now, any student who was in high school was allowed to compete without much scrutiny.

"You cheated multiple times, Daniel," Johnny continued with a disarming grin. How badly did they both need some levity?

But, the truth was Daniel added it to his list of sins against Johnny. He'd always looked at his past as him being the bigger person, but he hadn't been, not really.

"Why not fight each other now?" Anoush asked. "No holds barred?"

"Not in the office," Amanda said. "And they've just started getting along."

"Keep it friendly, with only a little bloodshed," Louie said with a laugh. "See who really would've won."

"Not now. Daniel's still healing," Johnny said.

"Actually, I changed my mind. The two of you should fight," Amanda said with a wry grin. "At the karate prom. Use the fight to raise some money for Miyagi-Do. Anyone who followed the All Valley would be interested. Maybe get some good publicity for LaRusso - have LaRusso sponsor the prom?"

The idea drew Daniel up short. It was an excellent idea. Except why had Johnny gone stony?

"Afraid you'll lose, Johnny?" Louie taunted.

"Hey, c'mere," Daniel said as Johnny strode from the room, his expression inscrutable. Johnny ignored him.

"That was weird," Anoush said.

Daniel panicked that Johnny might leave, yet he didn't want to go tearing after him. Instead, he went to his computer to track Johnny's progress through the building. Maybe Daniel was being a little creepy, but he didn't want Johnny to leave. But, Johnny wasn't. He went to the lot to work on the dashboard of another vehicle.

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