Episode Fifty-Six

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Turned out the soup wasn't so bad, especially with the bread dipped in it. The movie wasn't so bad, either.

He turned to say something but Daniel turned his face away, avoiding his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't watch me eat. My teeth..."

Johnny scoffed at him. "Stop being such a prissy bitch. No one's here to judge."

"I just hate it."

Johnny gave him a sidelong glance. He'd already slept beside Daniel; it was just the two of them now. The hour was late enough where the possibility of more visitors seemed impossible. "Can I kiss you?" Kissing a guy was basically the same as kissing a chick, right? It had felt so good last time.

"What, no! It's embarrassing enough you have to see me like this."

Johnny studied him. His cheeks and eyes were still purple from bruising, his nose slightly swollen under the bandage. A few cuts on his lips had scabbed over but were healing fine. But it was still Daniel. My Danny.

Johnny put his tray down, snatched Daniel's tray and fork away, and gently turned his face towards him, both hands on his cheeks.

"You're still handsome as ever." He leaned forward, giving Daniel time to protest but his friend was silent, his eyes boring into his. Passion awoke in those dark eyes. Johnny carefully pressed his lips to his, hesitantly brushing against his battered flesh. It was a brief kiss, but it awoke his entire body. He thrummed with desire. Glancing down, he saw that not only was he hard as a rock, but Daniel was, too.

"You'll always be beautiful to me, Danny."

Daniel smirked, his eyes lidded. "That's quite a compliment coming from a pretty boy."

Johnny wanted more. He wanted to make Daniel feel good. Remembering the way Daniel had completely dominated him in the bathroom had his dick throbbing in need. Could he do something like that for Daniel? Was he capable of making Daniel feel good instead of causing him pain? The thought made him nervous, but he wanted to try. He wanted to know what Daniel's face looked like when he orgasmed. He wanted to make him scream in pleasure.

"What is it?" Daniel ran a hand through Johnny's hair.

"I want, I want to touch you." Johnny's words sounded so confident, and yet, he felt like he was on his very first date all over again.

"Touch me all you like," Daniel said quietly.

Johnny hesitated for a moment, then he reached down and stroked Daniel through his pants. He was wearing the same khakis Amanda had brought to the hospital for him to wear home. Daniel sucked in a breath at Johnny's touch, his eyes sliding closed.

If I can pleasure him without hurting him...Johnny unzipped Daniel's pants and pulled them away from his red boxers. His hard cock sprang free, straining against the thin silk material still keeping it prisoner. Johnny's mouth watered at the sight of it. In that moment he knew what he wanted. He wanted to taste him. He wanted to know Daniel's hardness between his lips.

Lifting Daniel's hips, he pulled his pants all the way to the floor. Then he settled on his knees between his legs. Glancing up, he saw Daniel breathing heavily, his hands clenching at his sides. Daniel's reactions only fueled his desire to please him.

"Can I kiss you?" Johnny asked again. Johnny loved blow jobs, so Daniel probably loved them, too.

This time, Daniel could only nod and watch in fascination as Johnny pulled his boxers down. Fuuuuuck. The sight of Daniel's hard dick had him sucking in his own breath. Never had the sight of a dick made him feel like this. He'd seen plenty of guy's junk in pornos, but none had ever made his body react this way. He touched the tip with his fingertips and Daniel's thighs jerked.

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