Episode Four

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Friday morning dawned chilly but sunny. Johnny did his usual morning routine, actually getting pumped about the hike. Then he saw the eviction notice on his front door and his heart dropped. What the hell? Already? At least he had thirty days to get out. But where would he go? Fuck it. He wasn't going to let this ruin his weekend. He would worry about it when he got back from the trip. He crumbled up the notice and threw it inside before Miguel or Carmen could see it. He sure as hell didn't want their pity. Slinging his pack over his shoulder, he strode out to the van where his camping gear was already packed and waiting.

Pop music sounded from a distance before a blue convertible pulled into Miyagi-Do. June was in the driver's seat, while Regina stared sullenly from the passenger side.

The original students stared at the two strangers with distrust.

"What's this?" Miguel asked, appearing at Johnny's elbow. "Why are these people here?"

"New recruit," Johnny said. "I gotta pay rent, too."

"In case you didn't notice, it's hard enough having people we do know here." He nodded in the direction of Hawk who leaned against the fence while studying Demetrius, aka Skinny Bitch. The two had been fine at first, but apparently their unexpected truce during the last big fight at the LaRusso house was coming unhinged. Miguel had informed Johnny of their history, and Johnny thought he understood. If your best friend for years betrays you, comes after you constantly, then snaps your arm for kicks, it isn't exactly easy to kiss and make up just because he realized he was wrong.

"And now we have some rich kid coming here?" Miguel continued whining.

"Stop bitching. Relax, get to know her." Johnny had been a rich kid, too. It didn't mean you couldn't have your own issues to deal with.

"This was not the kind of new recruit I expected," Daniel said, as Sam stared at his back with an expression similar to Regina's. "Maybe this, maybe this isn't the right time to bring in a new kid?"

"I don't run a car dealership and consider this my side-job," Johnny said. "And how do you get to decide who gets to learn? Would your god-like Miyagi judge a book by its covering? Besides, I think a trip like this would be a good way for a new kid to get to know everyone."

"You're saying that? The guy who brought back Cobra Kai? Kreese got rid of most of our kids; you're the one who let him back in, back into this—"

"Hi!" June waved cheerfully and forced her way between the two. Today, she wore a pink, low cut sweater and jeans that clung like a second layer of skin. She turned to Daniel. "I'm June, Regina's mom. You're Daniel LaRusso." She giggled and held out her hand.

Daniel took a step back before accepting it. "I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting Regina yet." His gaze flicked in the direction of where Regina stepped from the car. She'd chosen to wear a gray faux fur vest over a pale purple turtleneck. Her jeans were just as tight as her mother's and tucked into brown leather boots. Behind her she wheeled a dark purple suitcase, about half the size of the cooler resting at June's feet.

Regina flipped her hair, ignoring the gazes of the other students.

"Regina's been held back a year after some difficulty at school," June said candidly. "And I don't know if Johnny told you she was hit by a bus? She was in headgear at prom, and no one's forgotten it. So, we're looking for a way to boost her confidence. Get her physically and mentally stronger."

"Johnny mentioned you're chaperoning," Daniel said. "And we're grateful, but what's in the cooler?"

"Kale smoothies, white wine, fruit smoothies... You know. Stuff. And, oh, beer. I bet you boys and the kids'll love some beer! Not like we didn't drink when we were their age." She winked at Daniel, pretending to nudge him with her elbow.

Daniel's expression grew dark as he glanced between June and Johnny. Was this Johnny's new love interest? She seemed to have as many bad ideas as he did, if bringing beer for the kids was any indication. And wearing fake nails for a camping trip? Her face didn't have the slightest hint of shame at what she was doing.

No, this would end about as well as Johnny and his last wife. If Johnny were at all serious about Miyagi-Do and defeating Kreese, he couldn't tangle up with a rich wino like June.

"Excuse me a minute!" Daniel said with a smile, then wrapped an arm around Johnny's shoulders to steer him away from June.

Johnny's mouth made an O and he darted from beneath Daniel's arm. "Don't need to touch me like that. Don't want people getting the wrong idea."

Daniel rolled his eyes. Johnny had been so strange lately. Why did act like he was suddenly embarrassed? "What are you doing? Please tell me June isn't your girlfriend." The more Daniel thought about it, the more he hated the idea.

"So what if she is?" Johnny asked with a grin.

"She's...she's gonna encourage your drinking," Daniel said. "What else do you two have in common?"

"What does it matter? She's hot. And fun," Johnny said, casting a smile and a wink in June's direction.

Daniel fought his rising anger. Johnny was just going to keep repeating this cycle, wasn't he? "It matters, because...because the person you're with should love the thing you love most. You don't love beer. Not as much as you love karate." Was that even true, though? Johnny had shown up hungover so many times and Daniel had tried to ignore it, especially after Sam had made that bet. But Daniel wanted it to be true. It had to be true if Johnny was going to be serious about Miyagi-Do. He needed a partner beside him, not another student to reprimand.

"I don't need a chick with me all the time," Johnny said, throwing out his hands.

Daniel shook his head. "What happens if...Nevermind." Johnny wouldn't understand, but it was painful to choose between something that had shaped him, something that had guided him since he was a teenager and the woman he loved. That sounded terrible, even as he thought it. Amanda had been distant since their talk, her resentment directed at karate. It was as if she was asking him to choose between karate and her. But karate was part of him, and, dammit, it felt like she was rejecting that part. Without karate, he wouldn't have been the man who'd won her heart.

He realized that maybe he was projecting his own troubles at home on Johnny. What did he care if Johnny was hooking up with a potential student's mother? It wasn't his business. So why did it bother him? Trying to push these thoughts from his mind, Daniel rounded up the students and began the long process of checking that they had everything they needed for two nights in the woods. He noticed that Regina stood apart from the crowd, eyeing the others like you would a pile of crap you narrowly avoided stepping in.

Locking eyes with Samantha, he gave a slight chin jerk towards Regina. Sam took the hint, though she didn't seem pleased. Come on Sam, I raised you better than this. Give the girl a chance.

Sam approached Regina and stuck out her hand, making introductions with a smile.

Regina stared at Sam's outstretched hand before crossing her arms. "I'm Regina. And I guess we're both trapped in your dad's midlife crisis."

Midlife crisis? Daniel had a slew of cars on the lot that could fulfill that role. Karate was not a crisis, not a fad. It was his lifeblood. In a way, it had saved his life.

"Yeah, I'm Sam." Samantha folded her arms. Shuffling her feet uncomfortably, she seemed at a loss for words. "Well, uh, I hope we can have fun together this weekend."

"I guess we'll find out," Regina said, her tone no longer annoyed but completely devoid of emotion.

Daniel glanced at a few of the other kids talking in small groups. Some were already arguing. June had her arm in Johnny's and was giggling at every word he said. This is going to be a long weekend.

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