Episode Sixty-Nine

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Was it cheating if the dinner they "made" for Daniel's mother was food brought to them by students and their parents? Johnny didn't really care. How would she know? He was spooning reheated lasagna onto plates when there was a knock on the door.

Daniel was more nervous than he was. He had been a flustered wreck ever since the students had left for the night, Sam agreeing to stay with her mother again. Samantha knew this meal was going to be a messy affair and she wanted no part of it.

Daniel hurried over to answer the door, smoothing down his sweater and running a hand through his hair. Johnny rolled his eyes: at least Daniel hadn't insisted on dressing up for the occasion. It was only supposed to be a casual dinner.

"Mom!" Daniel opened the door and embraced a frail, silver-haired woman in a hug.

"Oh, Daniel! So good to finally see you. I wanted to see you in the hospital but you insisted you wouldn't be there long." She turned his face from side to side, inspecting him. "You know, I can hardly tell you had your nose fixed. You look almost as if nothing happened."

Johnny finished setting up the table and stepped over. "Hi, I'm Johnny." He stuck out a hand.

"Of course! Ma, this is Johnny Lawrence. Johnny, this is my mother, Lucille LaRusso." Daniel backed away so they could shake hands. Lucille's shake was firm but brief.

"Oh, yes, Johnny. I remember you. I'm glad to hear that you two finally put all those issues behind you. Amanda told me you were getting along better but I never expected you to be roommates!"

Johnny cut his eyes to Daniel as Lucille removed her shoes and walked into the kitchen. Roommates? Daniel didn't tell her? Great. This dinner wasn't going to be a mess, but a bomb waiting to explode. He thought she at least knew they were seeing each other and was here to judge if she approved or not. Was Daniel still hiding behind Amanda to tell everyone about them? Was he ashamed to tell people? Johnny felt his neck flush in anger but he said nothing. He would keep it civil. But once Lucille left, he was ripping Daniel a new one.

"Oh, lasagna! Did you cook this, Johnny?"

Lucille was already settling herself down at the table.

"Afraid not, ma'am. I don't do much cooking," Johnny answered honestly. He noticed Daniel had busied himself preparing drinks, avoiding their eyes. You scared little shit.

"Oh, don't you dare call me that. Lucille is fine."

"Tea, Ma?" Daniel offered.

Johnny sat beside Lucille, glad she had chosen to sit at the place set up between them at the square table. Now he could face Daniel and give silent signals if need be. Or maybe stare daggers at him the entire meal.

Lucille, apparently not one to ever let a conversation drop, or take a breath, took a tiny sip of tea before continuing. "I'm glad this old house is still in such good shape. I was afraid you would have to do a lot of repairs on it before you moved in."

"You know I would never let Mr. Miyagi's house get rundown," Daniel said. He continued to avoid Johnny's eyes as he handed him a glass of tea.

"Well, I didn't want you to put too much money into the place. After all, you could always work it out with Amanda."

Her words had both men freezing. Johnny felt like his throat might close up. Danny, you fucking asshole. How could you put me in this situation?

Daniel sat down, his entire face red. "Ma, I told you. We're getting a divorce."

"You're only separated."

"Right now, yes, but we are not getting back together. It's not happening."

Lucille tried to look to Johnny for help but he decided his plate was more interesting. He could feel his face turning hot. He clenched his fists in his lap. Stay calm. It isn't her fault he wasn't honest with her.

"It figures: Amanda and I are finally starting to get along and you decide to break up your beautiful family."

"It was mutual, Mom. We're still friends."

At this point, Johnny wished he could sink into a hole in the floor or spontaneously combust. Grabbing his fork, he started shoveling food into his mouth.

"So, you didn't leave her for someone else, right?" Lucille asked.

"Well, not exactly? I mean, I didn't truly realize my feelings for someone else until after we decided to split." Daniel was trying to meet her eyes now but sweat dotted his forehead.

"Sweetie, we usually do grace before we eat," Lucille said to Johnny, patting his arm.

"Knock yourself out," he managed around a mouthful of food. He was ready for this evening to be over.

Lucille gave him a startled look but went right back to laying into Daniel. "So, no chance of getting back together because you already have a new girlfriend. And Amanda is totally okay with this? Who is she?"

Johnny dropped his fork, swallowed his food, and spoke up before Daniel could give some other bullshit answer.

"You're looking at him."

Silence reigned as Lucille's mouth hung open. She tried for words a few times but ended up only blinking at Johnny. Daniel was rubbing his face with one hand. Johnny took turns glaring at the two of them.

"Of all people..." Lucille finally managed.

Johnny kicked his chair back and jumped to his feet. "Right. Of all people. I am so ready to hear another person go on about how I'm not good enough for Danny. Do, please go on. Danny here sure isn't going to stop you!" Standing up straight, Johnny pointed a finger at Daniel. "I cannot believe you didn't tell her before. This is on you."

Ready to stomp away, Johnny thought better of it. He turned back to a gaping and flustered Lucille. "It was a pleasure meeting you but I'm afraid I have to excuse myself."

With that, he took his sweet time marching to the back door, out to the indoor dojo. Hitting a sandbag until he was too exhausted to move sounded like a great idea right now.

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