Episode Thirty-Three

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Daniel drove with a cup of fresh coffee in the holder and some feel-good 80's music blaring through the speakers. He bobbed his head along with the music, excitement thrumming through his body. Such big changes shouldn't feel this good, should they? Maybe they did if they were right, and this was his body's way of letting him know. He felt lighter somehow. Like his life was finally getting on track.

When he was done unpacking, or felt he'd done enough for the day, maybe he'd see if Johnny wanted to come over and help plan next week's lessons for their students. Maybe they would even play some Atari. He was more excited than he should be about sparring with Johnny. No matter what changed, he didn't think he'd ever get bored of teasing his former rival. An uncomfortable Johnny was, well, cute.

Daniel belted out the lyrics, tapping his palms on the wheel. Two women in the car to his left looked at him askance when he was stopped at a light. He gave them a wave and went right back to singing, even trying to hit the high notes. Traffic started moving again, and Daniel gunned it. He couldn't wait to get to Miyagi-Do and begin his first day in his "new" home.

He slammed on the breaks, ignoring the honking behind him. There was no mistaking it. The van on the side of the road with an uneven park job was Johnny's. Was he back to drinking again?

Daniel pulled his car in front of the van, obviously parking it better so the rear wasn't sticking halfway onto the road. He hopped out of the driver's seat, wondering what he'd find. He jerked open the passenger door, a strong smell of antifreeze filling his lungs. What the hell? He covered his nose with his hand and climbed in.

"John—" The van was empty, at least of people. The back was full of boxes, many marked "Magazines." One thin, lumpy pillow rested against another box labeled"trophies." A caddy with a razor, toothbrush, toothpaste, and a drugstore brand shampoo-conditioner-body wash combo rested between the seats. He'd just barged into Johnny's new home.

But where was its sole resident?

Panic hit Daniel square in the heart. Where was Johnny? Didn't he realize he'd make an easy target out here to the Cobra Kai and Silver?

What if...?

"Johnny!" Daniel shouted as he got out of the stinking van.

Why didn't Johnny tell him? Damn his pride!

"Johnny!" Daniel started sprinting in the direction of the park. Maybe he'd gone there? He could be anywhere. Hopefully he was somewhere public where he was less likely to be attacked. Jogging over, Daniel felt his heart somersault at the sight of a sleeping Johnny on a park bench. He slowed down and concentrated on slowing his breathing. Johnny was safe. An idiot, but safe. Walking over, he watched his friend breathing in and out, a scowl on his expression, as if he was moody even in his sleep. Daniel put his hands on his hips and shook his head. Stubborn as a mule.

"Johnny! Wake up."

"Piss off," Johnny muttered, his eyes still closed. The guy needed a shave. And most likely a bath. Daniel stepped over and shoved his shoulder.

"Hey! Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. The fairies want to help you."

"You are a fucking fairy," Johnny said, grinning as he cracked his eyes open. Would Daniel ever get tired of looking into those breathtaking blue eyes? Johnny's smile disappeared as he sat up and realized where he was. His eyes locked on Daniel and he seemed momentarily embarrassed, but that quickly melted away to anger. "You sold me a shit van. I should punch you in the face."

"Yeah? Did your phone break, too? You could have called me. I told you that thing needed to be serviced."

"Bitch needs to be shot and set on fire. Not worth pumping money into." Johnny stood and stretched, his long arms bowing behind him, his T-shirt riding up and giving Daniel a tantalizing glimpse of blonde hair on a tight stomach. Don't focus on that. You should be livid that he didn't bother to call. Which he was, but he was also hurt that Johnny didn't think he could call him. Weren't they friends now?

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