Episode Twenty-Three

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Daniel left the dealership, intending to head home to speak with his family. His phone had been vibrating on and off for the past twenty minutes, but he'd been busy convincing Amanda to stay at work, insisting she could keep all her current benefits and would remain a co-owner. Instead, she decided to sell her half to him. "After all, it's LaRusso Motor Group," she reasoned. In the meantime, she could take the time she needed. It would mean more hours for Daniel before he could get schedules rearranged and hire some help. For now, he'd have to trust Johnny to help their students when he couldn't get away.

He pulled his phone from his sportcoat and answered. "Miguel?"

"Sensei Lawrence's apartment is vacant!" Miguel shouted. "His van's not here. Mom said it wasn't here when she got home last night."

"Okay, okay. Calm down. You're sure?" Daniel gulped as a chill fear spread through his chest. Don't let me down, Johnny! What am I thinking? This can't be right.

"He was at my house this morning. He's probably at Miyagi-Do now. I...I can't be there tonight. But get there and keep him there until I can figure out what he's doing. Shit. Sam won't be able to give you a ride today."

"I know who I'll ask," Miguel said with a sigh.

Why today? Something had to be going on. Johnny said this morning that he'd come to talk to Daniel about something but then never did. He had asked to stay and go over his bills. Everything seemed normal. Was Johnny in some kind of trouble? He had seemed so calm and collected just hours ago.

He dialed Johnny's number and it went straight to voicemail. What is going on?

* * * * *

Regina George's silver Lexus convertible swept into the parking lot outside Reseda Heights. The Plastics who used to accompany her had been replaced by Demetri and a guy who unironically called himself Hawk.

"So, where are the houses?" Regina asked, parking in an empty space far from the other cars.

"It's apartments," Demetri said slowly. "People live here."

"Sensei Lawrence lived there." He pointed to the door just in front of Regina's convertible.

How had Johnny ended up here if he'd been rich? This must be what was what he'd been trying to warn her about.

She laid on the horn several times. Miguel should hurry his ass up. She rolled up the windows and locked the doors.

"Um, this is a convertible. Locking the doors and rolling up the windows isn't going to do anything," Demetri said.

"What do you even think is gonna happen here?" Hawk asked with a snicker. "You think we're gonna get jumped by Cobra Kai?"

A sad old guy appeared from behind a dumpster and adjusted his nerd glasses that were definitely not the trendy kind. He reminded her of a cartoonish, crotchety grandpa.

"You kids get outta here! Scram!" he shouted, making a shooing motion.

She turned to the two boys. Hawk was in the back, because she didn't want anyone to mistake the dude with a mohawk for her boyfriend. "Is he...is he shooing me?"

"I said leave, or I'm calling the cops and your parents," the man said, ambling toward the car.

She glared up at the old man and called, "Hello! Is someone missing a confused old person? I think he has Old Timers!"

"Alzheimer's," Demetri whispered.

"Shut up! I'm trying to be nice and help someone get their elderly person back," Regina said, incredulous. Wasn't it obvious?

"Johnny doesn't live here anymore, so no more drugs," the old man said. "Now if you're not gone, I'm gonna have to—"

"Johnny was a drug dealer?" Regina gasped. "Oh, so he's probably okay. He just made some big sales and bought a house."

"You look like a nice girl," the old man said, with a glare at Hawk. "Should watch the company you keep."

Hawk rolled his eyes and muttered a few curses.

"I am nice," Regina said, preening. "So nice that I'm here to pick up a friend. Do you even live here? I can help return you to your family."

"I'm the landlord," the man said, adjusting his glasses.

"It means he owns this place," Demetri said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm sure someone would want to buy it and put a strip mall here or something." She turned a snarl on Demetri. "I know what a landlord is."

"Who are you here to pick up?" the landlord asked, ignoring her insults and leering at her face.


"Oh, he's one of them kids going into Johnny's house for drugs, young lady," the landlord said. "And so's that kid in the back. You belong with some nice, clean cut kids. If I were fifty years younger..."

Regina kept her smile tight as she stared at the gross man. "So you're telling me Johnny is selling drugs to a bunch of teenagers?"

"Why, sir?" Demetri asked. "I'd like to know if my friends are involved with substance abuse."

The man leaned over the top of Regina's rolled up window to get a look at Demetri. "Oh, he looks like he's sensible."

Regina was just glad the old man's eyes were off of her.

"Thought it was odd, all the kids coming here. A nice veteran, real straight-shooter who served this country, told me," the landlord explained. "So, that worthless druggie got out, before I got the cops here."

"Fuckin' Kreese," Hawk muttered.

Regina gasped as the pieces clicked into place. That was a plot worthy of Regina. A true challenge, if there ever was one. He wasn't even raising a fist, and taking down his opponent socially. She had to give him props.

But Johnny, who'd shown concern for Regina, had spent time showing her how to block and dodge, was now out of a home. Even if it was a really shitty one. "Ohmygod," she gasped. "I'm friends with a homeless person."

Demetri groaned.

Movement caught her eye to her right and she saw Miguel standing next to a droopy shrub. How long had he been watching?

"You ready?" he asked.

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