Episode Fifteen

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As hesitant as Daniel was to let him leave the next day, Johnny was insistent. He needed to get back to the comfort of his own place. It was weird sleeping in a strange bed, knowing Daniel and Amanda were only a few rooms away, doing fuck knows what. Not to mention, Daniel was becoming like a fussy mother hen. Trying to wait on him hand and foot, hovering, it was starting to get on Johnny's nerves in a real way. His head ached, his gut was queasy, and he felt shakier than ever, but he needed to leave.

"I'll drive your van. Amanda can follow to take me home," Daniel said.

Johnny had donned his bloody clothes from the accident, refusing to wear something of Daniel's out in public. The clothes still smelled of smoke, reminding him that just Saturday they had been training the kids together. It felt like ages ago.

"I can drive myself."

Daniel opened his mouth to say something, snapped it shut, then reached over and grabbed his wrist. Johnny flinched, ready to snatch it away, but Daniel merely held his arm up between them. They could both see the obvious tremors in his hand.

"Just remember what we talked about. You don't have to do that macho-man crap with me. Asking for help when you need it doesn't make you weak, Johnny. It makes you smart."

"Fine, just...drive the van," Johnny said, embarrassed suddenly to have Daniel driving this shitty van to his shitty apartment. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts for a little while, clear his head after the last twenty-four hours.

It felt like something big had changed, but he wasn't sure what.

He settled in the passenger seat and pulled his seatbelt across his chest. If he weren't quick enough, Johnny probably would have tried to do it for him. As Daniel cranked the car and they pulled away, Johnny turned on the radio.

"This is DJKK 98.4, your station for the best hits from the 80s. Here's a favorite from Aerosmith," the DJ said. Music blared from the speakers and Daniel gave Johnny a grin as he drove.

"Ah, man, I love this song."

"It's a classic," Johnny agreed. They bobbed their heads in time and it was not unlike that one car ride they had together where they were just on the verge of friendship. I guess now we've finally crossed that line. Strange that I can call this little shrimp friend. Who the hell would have guessed?

Johnny felt lighter now than he had in awhile. If he could only forget...forget how he'd embarrassed himself, he'd be okay. Last night, he and Daniel had managed to get the Atari working and were able to play a few rounds of Space Invaders, before a physically and emotionally exhausted Johnny had to turn in.

"So, when you woke up from your coma, were you able to see people's pasts and futures? Like The Dead Zone?" Daniel tried to make a joke but Johnny didn't get it.

"Is that a movie?"

"Well, yeah, but based on a book. Nevermind." Daniel gave a nervous laugh and they went back to jamming out to the music. Weird little goofball. Johnny couldn't help grinning at him, but his mood deflated when Daniel turned the van into the small lot of his apartment. This place was so shoddy, nothing like Daniel's beautiful home. And Johnny could barely afford this.

Johnny couldn't even unbuckle his seatbelt before Daniel was opening the door for him, Miguel running to greet them.

"Miguel's gonna check on you every few hours," Daniel said, hovering near Johnny.

Johnny stepped from the car. Daniel gave him so little room that when he stood, Daniel's face was only a few inches from his. This felt like deja vu. Why?

Daniel's smile faded as he stared at Johnny.

"There something on my face?" Johnny asked.

"No...just.." Daniel looked away. "Just got worried you were gonna fall."

A car door closed and heels clicked on the pavement. "This is weird, but it's a good weird," Amanda said with a smile. "To think you made it a night under the same roof without any fist fights, karate riots, the house getting destroyed..."

Johnny chuckled. "We're not that bad. But thanks, Amanda. This, uh, this was nice, you and your family letting me stay."

"I wanna know what happened. What changed? But maybe it's best not to question that too much." Her eyes narrowed slyly.

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