Episode Forty-Eight

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Johnny barked at the students to hit harder, corrected their form, and found any fault he could. Daniel hadn't returned yet. Was Daniel avoiding him? He wouldn't be surprised after last night's disaster; he certainly wasn't looking forward to talking to Daniel again and discussing what had happened.

He knew he shouldn't be channeling his irritation toward the students. But the more he thought about it, the more helpless he felt. The All Valley would resolve very little. In the past, it had only given Daniel the illusion of resolution. Maybe if neither of them won... No. Even now, knowing how Daniel felt, he couldn't admit his affection.

Maybe Daniel wouldn't even show up tonight. Maybe he really was going to forget about Johnny. For some reason, the thought made his stomach drop.

"Sensei?" Sam asked, stepping away from her sandbag. "You look sick."

"The only thing looking weak and sick are your punches! Hit harder! Faster!" Johnny bellowed. Was it that obvious?

"No, nothing's wrong at all, Sam," Regina said sarcastically, still pummeling the sandbag. She'd been focused since the shitshow at the funhouse. Johnny couldn't even bitch at her.

Johnny's phone blared Guns and Roses. Like a teenager, he ran to his phone, set atop a cabinet that held staves, gloves, first aid supplies, and other equipment.

Amanda? He hit the green button.

"Johnny!" she shouted. Her voice was panicked.

"What happened?" he asked, freezing.

"Something happened to Daniel. I was on the phone with him. It sounded like he was attacked. Now he's not answering." Her words tripped over each other. "I'm circling the dealership and I don't see him. His car's here, but he isn't..."

"Okay...." Johnny took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. His chest felt tight. "I'll get a ride there."

"Fuck!" Amanda shouted. Her car turned off, and he heard the sound of a car door opening.

"What is it?" Johnny shouted, not caring that the students were all staring at him.

"I gotta go. I gotta call the police. I found his phone." Her voice hiccuped on a sob. "Th-there's blood on the ground, Johnny. Someone was dragged."

"I'll be there as soon as I can. Hang tight," Johnny urged. He was going to kill Kreese. That was the only way this was going to end, wasn't it?

"Sensei?" Miguel asked.

Johnny couldn't speak. He wanted to throw up. But more than that, he wanted to hit something, and not a sandbag. His heart was racing, his throat closing up.

Amanda had hung up, but Johnny still clutched the phone, wanting it to ring again with good news.

Squealing tires sounded from the parking lot.

"Delivery for Miyagi-Do!" an unfamiliar voice cackled. There was a loud maniacal laugh.

Johnny ran and flung open the gate, flanked by Regina, Sam, and Miguel.

A black limo idled at the end of the lot. A door opened, and a battered, bloody body was shoved onto the ground.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stop spreading your legs for Danny-Boy and come back to where you belong, Johnny," said a voice from the darkness inside the freshly-waxed car. "Especially if you want your precious students to be safe... Kreese created you. He can destroy you, Johnny." Maniacal laughter echoed through the twilight.

"Dad? Dad!" Sam shrieked. She was frozen in terror but Johnny was already moving, his feet flying over the ground. He closed the distance in seconds as the limo sped away.

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