Episode Fifty-Three

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Amanda drove them home in silence, though it wasn't uncomfortable. It was as if something had cleared in the air between she and Daniel. Johnny wasn't sure what had happened, but he tried to relax and bob his head to the music from the back seat. When they reached Daniel's house, Johnny insisted on carrying him in, much to Daniel's displeasure.

"Are you going to baby me like this the entire time I'm recovering?" Daniel complained, glancing behind him for help from Amanda, who brought up the rear, carrying his prescriptions.

"Yep," Johnny said simply.

"Just shut up, Daniel. Let someone take care of you for once," Amanda said. She hurried around to open the front door and he glimpsed a smile on her face. She's enjoying this, Johnny thought. He'd always respected Amanda, but now he thought he might actually have a shot at being friends with her. She had been nothing but kind and understanding to him the last two days. She let them in, tossed the medicine on a table and clapped her hands as Johnny took Daniel to his bed.

"Okay. If you guys need anything, call me. I'm at the dealership until five today and one tomorrow, catching up on paperwork. Sam will come over tomorrow to get you guys stocked up on food, though I doubt you'll need it."

Why would we not need it? Johnny thought as he carefully laid Daniel down and fussed about his blankets. As far as he knew, there wasn't much food left in the house. They usually did their shopping yesterday, Friday. But Amanda gave no explanation as she popped her head in the room, said her farewells, and left.

"I'm fine. Just need to rest," Daniel said.

Johnny hated how Daniel's speech sounded off because of his two broken teeth. Knowing Daniel, he would be quick to get them fixed once he was on his feet again. He could walk but with three broken ribs, he didn't need to do much. Rest and recovery was what he needed right now. Once the swelling from his broken nose had gone down, he would need to get that fixed, too.

All in good time. He'll be up and bossing me around, pushing lessons with the students on me soon enough. Johnny smiled at the thought. The old adage was right: you never know what you have until it's gone. Almost losing Daniel had been an eye opener for Johnny.

Johnny sat on the edge of the bed, unsure if he was getting too close. He hadn't forgotten the last words he'd spoken to Daniel in this house, or Daniel's words to him. He'd called Daniel a "fucking pervert," and told him "never you." He wanted to take them back now, every damned syllable.

"You don't have to stay," Daniel said, big eyes shifting upward.

"I told you this already; I'm taking care of you, and...dammit..." Johnny swallowed. He didn't want to waste this precious time anymore. "I fucked up the other day." He didn't need to mention what day, did he? "Everything I said, none of it was true."

"I know that," Daniel said. "I knew you were being stubborn. What I walked in on wasn't exactly subtle." He gave him a small smile that had him wincing in pain.

Johnny flushed and stopped himself before he said something dumb like, "Don't smile so you don't hurt your face." Instead, he reached for Daniel's hand. "Truth is, I was scared. I didn't know what to do. But not anywhere near as scared as I was the night you, the night Silver dumped you at Miyagi-Do." He turned his head away to hide a fresh wave of tears.

"Hey, hey, Johnny," Daniel said. "I'm here. I made you a promise; I said I wouldn't leave you."

"That was while I had a concussion," Johnny muttered. "Doubt Kreese and Silver care about your promises."

Daniel's face closed up. "I don't want to talk about them now."

Johnny couldn't blame him. He wanted to forget about it all, too, but it was impossible with the battered evidence on the bed. He had to get the conversation back on track and tell Daniel. "I don't want to lose you. I don't want to be without you." He chuckled. "I'm still scared as hell, because I don't know how to do this."

"Be with another guy?" Daniel raised a dark brow.

"And not mess this up," Johnny said. He ruined so many relationships, ran away from them. "I didn't exactly have a man in my life who showed me how to stick around. But I want to do better, be better. For you."

Daniel gave him a tender smile. He reached out and Johnny immediately took his hand.

"This is what is most important. Talking. As long as we are honest with each other, we can do this. Don't ever be afraid to talk to me, Johnny."

"Danny..." Johnny wanted to kiss him but he wasn't sure, so he kissed his knuckles instead. Those busted fingers, that fist that had punched his own face so many times, he wanted to rub his cheeks across it. He brushed his lips carefully across the skin just as a knock sounded on the front door.

He lifted his head with a groan, tempted to just ignore the door. But it could be Sam. "I'll be back. Need anything?"

"Water," Daniel said. "Better yet, oolong."

"That's what she said," Johnny said as he straightened.

Daniel laughed and immediately tears sprang to his eyes. Laughing was probably not the best idea. Poor idiot.

Johnny stroked his hair as gently as he could.

"You should probably get the door," Daniel reminded.

Shit, he'd forgotten. He stopped in the doorway. "Seriously, though, what's oolong?"

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