Episode Thirteen

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Johnny felt ridiculous in Daniel's matching yellow silk pajama set. It was the same sunflower yellow as those boxers he'd seen. And it was too short on his arms and legs. He really hoped none of the kids wanted to make a surprise visit because he voted not to take that kind of humiliation.

"You okay in there?" Daniel asked for the hundredth time from the other side of the door.

"Why're you so obsessed with me?" Johnny chuckled to himself. He'd heard Regina say that to Hawk at one point; it was a good line.

Daniel had been knocking every several minutes during Johnny's shower, and again while he'd shaved. But the effort had cost Johnny a lot and now he was tired again. He wanted the bed. He wanted food.

But even more, he wanted to know what had happened after the fall. He'd spoken to Daniel about his coma, something he didn't talk about with anyone. He didn't want anyone to know he'd been fragile enough to be laid up for so long, unable to take care of himself. Someone had had to change his diapers and his catheter bag and clean him. A few of the nurses had exchanged guesses on how long he'd live.

"I'm not obsessed," Daniel said. Was he listening against the door?

Johnny waited a moment and quietly moved forward. He had a little energy left, didn't he? Very quickly, he opened the door inward and Daniel tumbled forward.

Johnny's head spun; he'd overdone it. He teetered. And Daniel, that bastard, managed to right himself and catch Johnny around the waist.

"Whoa, hey," Daniel said, tightening his grip around Johnny. "L-let's get you back to bed."

"I can walk myself, Danielle," Johnny said, shoving at Daniel's chest. But Johnny was too weak to even make him lose his balance right now. Fuck. He didn't want to be seen like this. And why, why did he suddenly have a hard on? This was like morning wood, right? He'd been sleeping not long ago. He was a normal, healthy guy.

Johnny was glad the button down top fit loosely enough to hide his bulge. As Daniel helped him to the guest room, his dick showed no signs of calming down. When was the last time he'd had sex? Maybe that was the problem?

Daniel's grip on his waist was tight and firm. He kept a shoulder beneath Johnny's arm to provide more support. For being shorter than him, Daniel sure felt sturdy and solid.

His head whirled again and he stumbled. Daniel steadied him with a hand on his chest. "Do we need to go back to the hospital?"

We? Was Daniel really that committed? Hah. Maybe this snob just wanted to show off his big house and how much he could afford? Daniel probably felt like a real big man for helping Johnny, probably even thought Johnny owed him.

"No, I don't need a hospital," Johnny said darkly. "I'm going home tomorrow."

"Not if you can't stay on your feet," Daniel said. "You can't be alone if you're like this."

"You don't have to take care of me like I'm a child," Johnny said. What if he had more damage than the doctors realized and ended up in a coma again? And Daniel was there to witness all of Johnny's shame? This was horrible enough, being dressed in his rival's pajamas, sleeping at his rival's house, with his rival caring for him, and helping him walk.

"I do. This is my fault," Daniel said.

"Stop saying that. You're not the one who fell off the tree," Johnny said, now clearly remembering how his stance had been shaky. He'd heard the scuff of his boot on the bark before he'd plummeted.

"You lost your balance because I made you stop drinking," Daniel insisted, pushing the bedroom door open with his left hand.

"Yeah, well, I'm the one who drank too damned much for so long." Johnny scoffed. "You can stop making shitty excuses to keep me here."

"Who is making excuses? I want you to stay so nothing else happens to you. Who else is going to sit with you?"

"Carmen maybe..." Johnny said.

"Why are you still trying to argue with me about this? Relax, have dinner with us and go to bed." Daniel sat Johnny down on the edge of the bed, then continued to hover over him, as if he were still in some kind of danger.

There was a moment of silence. Johnny cleared his throat. "What did I say about the coma? Why did I tell you I was in a coma?" Johnny didn't move from the edge of the bed. He wanted to know, and what better time to get this out of the way than now? "What else did we talk about? You've been way too nice about all this. What are you trying to hide from me?"

Daniel sighed. "I was...you were..."

"Food's here!" Daniel's son, whatever-his-name-was, shouted.

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